Saturday, September 7, 2013

Maximus Nineteen: Wounded Heart

I thought it'd be fun to guest star one of my Sims from another of my stories because I didn't feel like making a new Sim for the part. If you're a fan of
The Compound, you'll recognize him straight away. Enjoy!

~ Late Knight Simmer ~

I woke up early in the morning to find that Dustin's side of the bed hadn't been unmade. I wondered where he had decided to fall asleep. Not feeling in the mood to change out of my pajamas, I slipped on a pair of flip flops and walked to the small coffee shop that was close to our house.

As I was waiting in line to get some of my favorite tea, I ended up buying a horrible tabloid magazine because I saw my face on the cover, with the words "ball and chain" printed cruelly across my waist. I came home, sat at my dining room table with the magazine and opened to the little blurb about me.

My lifeless eyes and expressionless face stared back at me. Why on earth do I look so dead? Why can't I just be happy? What is wrong with me? Tears fall from my eyes when I read the text. This town really is full of vultures. I look at Soleil and how beautiful she is in that dress. She always has a glow of happiness around her. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by some shuffling sounds from the hallway, and realize Dustin must be awake now. I don't know which room he slept in, but it wasn't our bedroom.

Dustin comes into the kitchen, not wearing anything except a pair of sweatpants. I remember those sweatpants, he wore them around our hotel room when we were on our honeymoon. My eyes travel from his ass to his well toned torso, then to his strong arms as he makes himself a cup of coffee. I'm so lost in the definition of his muscles that his voice makes me jump.

"What? My body's the only thing that you want?"

Dustin scoffs as he stirs his coffee and adds the steamed milk to the mug. Surprisingly, he comes over to the dining room and sits at the table with me.

"Why are you reading that crap? You know the gossip magazines are just full of bullshit, right?"

"I saw my face on the cover, how could I not?"

"Ah, right. Everything's always about you."

Dustin drinks his coffee and stares at the table. I'm still not sure why he didn't just leave the room. It would have been so much easier if he had. I reach across the table and put my hand on Dustin's arm. He doesn't pull away, but he also doesn't put his hand on mine, which he used to automatically do.

"Oh, so now you want to hold me? After you told me I was nothing yesterday?"

"Come to church with me, Dustin. It's Sunday, it'll be good for you."

Dustin scowls and takes another swig of his coffee.

"Right, it'll be good for me because I'm in such a heathen-filled career. That's what you mean by "good for you," isn't it?"

He pulls his arm away and gets up out of his chair, promptly leaving the room.


I don't think that he'll come back, but he spins around quickly and shouts.


"Come to church. We can start fresh, it's a new week."

"I have filming today, so I can't make it to both church and work."

"When do you have to be at work?"


"Church is at nine, it'll be over at ten. You'll have plenty of time."

"Ugh. FINE!"

Dustin and I arrive at the church five minutes early. We stand in front of the sanctuary and he crosses his arms, waiting for something.

"Well, aren't you going to go in? You're the one who wants to be here, not me."

"Are you coming?"

"Yes, just go in already."

I try to calm him down by putting my arm around him. As I raise my hand up to touch his face, he turns his head quickly and rolls his eyes.

"Dustin, thank you for finally coming with me to church."

For a split second, I see a flicker of the old Dustin in his eyes as he gives me a small nod before we go into the sanctuary. Dustin goes back to being sarcastic and stand offish as we sit down, pulling away from me when I put my hand on his thigh. I smile weakly at my friend Robert, who is sitting in a pew opposite from me, and wonder how I'm ever going to fix my marriage.

"Hi Soleil! Good morning, good morning! How's my favorite girl today?"

"Pretty good. I slept well last night, if you know what I mean."

"Oh girl! You are dirty! Do we need to wash your mouth out with soap? No, no I'm just kidding, baby, I love it, I love your dirty mind."

Antoine, the platinum blonde, brightly blue eyed hairdresser at my modeling agency never fails to make me laugh. Even if I am tired and droopy, his mile a minute dialogue always brightens up my day.

"Baby, how is your tasty man doing? Mm-mm, if he played for my team I would scoop him up in a heartbeat!"

"He's good. He's been able to take a break for a bit, his movie premiere was yesterday, and his tv show doesn't start filming for another month so he's been spending time with Patrick."

"I saw! Ugh, you and him in that, oh what's it called, Celeb Today, you and him looked so drool-worthy together! I love you guys."

Antoine leans my head in the sink and starts washing my hair. He squirts some shampoo into his hand and when he puts it in my hair, it instantly relaxes me.

"Mm, that's nice, Antoine."

"Tea tree oil shampoo, baby. It's minty and soothing. Big and beautiful, that's your hair for this shoot today. Have you worked with Absolon before?"

"No, I think this will be the first time."

"Ooh, you are in for a treat, he is gorgeous, and oh so sweet. All right, baby, now for makeup. Shouldn't take long, and then you can girl talk with Absolon till Dijon is ready for you."

Antoine puts the finishing touches on my makeup and gives me a hug before ushering me into wardrobe. I have two outfits to model today, one solo, and one with Absolon. When I've got my outfit on, I walk into the photo shooting area to meet Absolon. Antoine was not kidding when he said Absolon was gorgeous. He is really well built and has tons of muscle definition. I walk over to him and say hi. He smiles at me and we make some small talk while Dijon, the photographer, gets everything ready.

The first part of my shoot is supposed to have a scary theme to it, so Dijon has put up a spooky tree background in dark purples and blacks. This is for a small article about me that will be in Vogue's fall edition. I tried some poses where I laid down, but the dress laid weird on me.

"Mm-mm Soleil! That was a hot pose! Showing some skin, baby!"

"I don't know, this dress lays weird, Dijon, is it going to work?"

"Oh, don't you worry about that, babe. That's my job. You just continue looking gorgeous."

After I finish the shoot with the dress, I am supposed to do a very intimate shoot with Absolon for a perfume ad that's going to go on a billboard. I'm excited because I've never been on a billboard before.

"Okay, you two. Now what I want for this is for you guys to look like you are in love, so really close together, gazing into each other's eyes, almost kissing, that kind of thing."

"Ooh, perfect, perfect! This is hot, you two! Temperature in the room has risen about a billion degrees! All right, that's it for today! We are done!"

Patrick and I are sitting in a restaurant waiting for Dustin, who had called and said he wanted to hang out before work.

"Daddy, I'm hungry. Is Dustin coming soon?"

"Yeah, be patient, okay? Oh look, he's here now. Let's go get some food."

Dustin comes in the door looking aggravated. I wave at him and then all three of us  go over to look at the menu.

"Wow, looking so preppy today Dustin. What event called for that? Or is that just wardrobe?"

"Nah, I'm preppy with clothes from my own closet. Helena made me go to church with her."

"Aww dude, I'm sorry. Has she apologized yet?"

"Ha. What do you think? She hasn't even mentioned anything about what happened. I found her reading some gossip magazine and crying, so I thought, oh maybe she does feel bad for treating me like a piece of shit last night, but it turns out she was crying because she didn't like what the gossip magazine said about her. I mean, seriously? Can you believe that? She even had the nerve to tell me church would be good for me. Like I need some cleansing or some shit."

"Daddy? Can I get hot dogs and mac and cheese?"

"Um, Patrick, pick one. You don't need to eat two entrees."

"But Daddy, I'm hungry!"

"Patrick, stop. I will buy you a dessert and one entree, okay?"

"Oh. Okay."

Patrick leans against me, I think as an apology for whining, and I smile at Dustin. We get our food and sit down at one of the booths.

"Little guy's having a bad day too, huh?"

"Yeah he gets fussy when he's hungry, and then he thinks he needs to eat a crap ton of food when he just really needs to get dessert."

"Soleil doesn't crack down on you for feeding Patrick dessert?"

"Nah, a lot of times we go out for dessert as a family. Man, what are you going to do with Helena?"

"I don't know. I'm definitely not changing careers. This puts the baby thing on hold for sure, though. I am not having a baby with her until we fix this. I don't want a baby growing up with parents fighting all the time. She just hurt me so bad with those words, Max. Like how could she wish that I would fail? I mean, I thought she loved me, but she really doesn't act like it. What's even worse is this morning she pissed me off more by acting like nothing was wrong, like she didn't even know that she basically told me I'm not important because the things I want don't matter. I thought relationships were about give and take, but so far, Helena just keeps taking from me."

"She is really oblivious about how her words sound to people. I don't know why, but it's like she doesn't hear things the same way or something."

"It's because she thinks she's right all the time, about everything. She's mentioned church to me many times before today, I think she feels like I need to be helped or something. It just sucks when my own wife doesn't think I'm worth anything."

"Uncle Dustin? I think you're the best uncle in the whole wide world because you're so cool. I wanted a movie poster of you and Daddy bought one. You're hanging on the wall in my room! Daddy said I can't watch your movie because I'm not old enough, but when I am old enough, I'm totally going to watch it."

Dustin smiled for the first time today when Patrick said those things to him. I'm in awe of him for having the knack to say the exact right thing at the right time. I've always known he was very detail-oriented and could pick up on people's emotions, even if they were trying to fake it. My heart felt warm and I'm sure Dustin's did as well from Patrick's genuine kindness.

Random outtake of Max being a good friend - I really liked the picture considering all the shit Dustin's been through, but the chapter was over, so here it is! Haha.


  1. :/ Im getting a really nasty feeling brewing - Absolon is gorgeous and Soleil thinks so too - I hope that isn't a sign of her being unfaithful to Max!! I really want to shake Helena right now - she needs to sort her act out or she is going to lose Dustin!! Patrick is just too cute!! :)

    1. Put your worries aside, darling, Soleil will never cheat on Max. She's head over heels for Max. She's just a normal red-blooded woman, seeing an attractive guy and noting his attractiveness. =D
      Helena does need to be shaken, go for it. Haha. Ugh it's so simple, Helena, just apologize. *rolls eyes at Helena*
      Patrick is so awesome. =)
      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. you know how us women can be. we are stubborn n you are the creater of helena so only you can make her apologize. hint hint.

    1. Hmm, this is true, but maybe apologizing isn't what I had in mind for Helena's story line. *evil grin* Her personality as well has never been one of willingness to apologize because that would mean she admitted she was wrong and she hates to be wrong.

  3. Loved it! Recognized Absolon immediately!

    As for Helena, I think she's headed towards realizing what she said is wrong, or at that least there's something wrong with her. Whether or not that realization will be made and vocalized to Dustin in time to save their marriage is another story. But Helena did a major major wrong and I doubt they'll ever return to what they had before. At least Dustin is putting off trying for a kid considering their fighting.

    1. =) Thanks! I had fun with Absolon's cameo.

      You're right, Dustin and Helena's marriage will never be the same. Helena's very stubborn with her "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude, and although she's thought many times that there isn't something quite right with her, admitting it to other people is not something she is very good at. I doubt that she'll ever stop truly wishing that Dustin would get a "regular job." Now that she's stopped fearing Dustin, she seems to think she can boss him around and control him because he's her husband. Of course, she's missing the point of marriage, which is unconditional love.

      Dustin is really angry at the moment, time might heal his heart slowly, but he knows for sure that he doesn't want to bring a child into the world when Helena is behaving this way.

      Thanks for reading and commenting! =)

  4. Oh, Absolon.. *dies* It's wonderful seeing his face.

    I'm glad Soleil's job is going so well, she seems to be so great at what she does. Not to mention Max and Dustin are great at their jobs, too. I hate that Helena can't see that.. If I was her, I'd be doing the same shit Soleil does with Max and show off Dustin on my arm like "YEAH BITCHES. HE's MINE." But of course, not have a fake smile or looking bored/angry in all the pictures. All the pictures would just be me starring up at him, and then pics of me on the floor of the red carpet dead cause I can't handle it. LOLL

    Dawww, Patick.. You big sweetie. I can't wait until you're old enough for me to start hitting on you in the comments like I do everyone else. XD

    *chokes Helena to death*
    Don't worry, I'll be devoted to you, Dustin.. Now, let's practice making some babies. XD

    Great chapter!

    1. Hi! Haha, I thought hmm, who would be perfect as a male model... and Absolon's face popped into my head. Mmmm... *dies as well*

      Soleil is finally getting to do more of what she wants, after that rocky start she had with having to put it off while she was pregnant. She wants it, so she's giving it her best effort. Soleil is also so proud of Max, and has been every step of his career, even when he was just starting out, she wanted him to know she supported him.

      LOL right? You're married to a fucking actor, I mean how awesome is that? Seriously. You should want to be proud of that fact. Helena's so odd, it's so weird writing her personality, but sadly, I know there are some people out there who are just never happy with what they have.

      Haha, Patrick. Mmm... he'll have a birthday party eventually, maybe, haha, I haven't figured out yet if I want to show that or if I'll just say some time has passed and he's a teenager.

      Dustin: O_O Sweet. Someone who appreciates me.

      LOLL. Thanks for reading! =)

  5. Yay, Abs! :D
    Model, him? Well he sure is eye candy *lol*
    Right now I can not help but wonder what Helena will do as soon as she sees that advert pic of Soleil and Abs- which is amazing, btw ^^ - and somehow I can see Dusting snap again... ooooooo I am SO looking forward to the next chapter now =0D

    1. Haha, yes, Absolon. Mmm. LOL. His face popped into my head when I wanted a male model, simply because he's so HOT. LOL. =D Thanks for the kind words.
      Helena... LOL, she might freak out but she does know Soleil is a model. As for her and Dustin, yeah, she will most likely make Dustin mad again. Haha.

  6. You're such an amazing writer! When I read the story from Helena's point of view, I'm like, "Man, she can't catch a break. I feel so bad for her."

    But then I read it from everyone else's POV and I'm like, "What a bitch!"

    Same story, completely different reactions.

    Amazing writing skills!!

    1. *blushes* *is speechless*
      Thanks, so much, saytaina. You are too kind. =)
      Thank you for reading and commenting. <3

  7. It was great to see Absolon. I smiled when I saw him. :) And the part he played was so fitting, that billboard looked great. Awesome choice of poses. I liked the modeling bit with Soleil. That photo shoot was awesome as well as your magazine article! So fun!

    Well this chapter I wasn't as angry at Helena as I was last chapter, I still want to thump her upside the head, but only because deep down I think she just wants to be happy, but she has so many issues that keep getting in the way, and I think that all stems from her moms behavior, maybe? I think she has trust issues too, because why wouldn't she want her husband to succeed? Is she worried about groupies? She needs to learn that without trust she really has nothing, and if she doesn't pull it together, she is going to lose an awesome guy. I'm torn between wanting Dustin to leave her, or them to work it out. I guess we'll have to see.

    Little Patrick is so cute, he's such a thoughtful sweet little boy, he said the right thing to cheer Dustin up. He's going to be adorable when he grows up. As always Max and Soleil make me smile. I'm so glad that they are happy together. Absolon may be hot, but we all know he plays for the other team and Soleil isn't his type. Hehe :)

    1. Eeee Absolon! LOL. He's so hot... O_O *dies* when I needed a male model, his face was the first that popped into my head. I'm glad you liked all the extra photos I threw in, like the magazine article. I thought it would be fun to show a day in the life of Soleil while she's at work. LOL. Plus, I wanted to show off that crazy dress she's wearing, and of course, Absolon... *drools*

      Haha, yup, Helena is afraid of groupies. She's terrified of losing Dustin to some fangirl. She's really stunted in being able to learn and grow in her own personality because she's constantly worried about things that are unnecessary. Dustin wouldn't have married her if he was wanting to sleep around with people. He's not that kind of guy, so she really has nothing to worry about from fans, but Helena can't seem to trust. When she was growing up she was surrounded by people who constantly slept around, and it made her feel like monogamy was a lost cause that no one found important. She made it her life's mission somewhat to have that "perfect family" ideal, and although she has Dustin as her husband, he's kind of outside of that perfect family thing because of his job.

      Patrick makes me squee. LOL. I love him. Max and Soleil are perfect for each other. They pay attention to each other's feelings, tell each other everything, and are really good at actually sharing their lives together. Haha, yeah, Soleil thought Absolon was hot, but she'd never do anything with him, even if he was straight, because she has Max.

  8. Hi :D I've finally finished reading all of the chapters lol. They're really good! Max and Soleil are so perfect together omg. Helena is She really irritates me sometimes lol but at the same time, I kind of feel bad for her because she can't learn to trust anyone. Great writing, though!

    1. Hi adtwixx! Welcome to my story. :) Holy crap you read all of it today?! Haha, good job! Thanks for the compliments. Ugh yeah, Max and Soleil, I love them so much! Helena was designed to rub people the wrong way most of the time. LOL. Every story needs one of "those" people. LOL. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! =)

    2. Haha, well like in 2 or 3 days. Excited for the next chapter!

    3. LOLL cool. =) There's two new chapters now. o_O

  9. Poor guy. Poop On Hellena! How could she even THINK something stupid like that! How can she not appreciate St. Dustin?!

    1. Well... she is Helena, the Queen of stupid thoughts... LOL. Ugh, she is so lame, not looking at the great guy she has, instead she has to look at his flaws, well, what she thinks are flaws anyway. She's going to fall prey to doesn't know what she's got till it's gone syndrome.

  10. I hope Dustin does not wait too long to either shake Helena awake or leave her. He is trying to stay the same, but with that twisted relationship, he will change, and that would be too awful. I am very glad he is saying no baby now, so he isn't trapped.

    Soleil looked gorgeous, and whoa that model she had to take photos with. I am sure her darling, sweet sister in law will have lots to say about those pictures.

    1. I noticed you started reading The Compound, haha, you'll recognize the model as you read that story.

      Anyway, back to this one. =) Dustin will try to shake Helena awake. As you saw in the last chapter how upset Dustin was when Helena attacked his career choice, that is the one area Dustin will NEVER compromise on. He loves acting and no one will be able to change that. He was very smart to say no baby, he doesn't want to bring a child into this nonsense. LOL, he also doesn't want to say it out loud, but he doesn't really want Helena's toxic influence on a child either.

      Aww thanks. Soleil is great at her job despite how little she has to wear sometimes, she always remains professional. Helena doesn't understand that fact... of course, haha, yeah she'll freak out and be mean as usual. *rolls eyes at Helena*

  11. I do feel a little bad for Helena, but I'm not sure what her problem is. Like I just don't get how she doesn't see how she's hurting him? Obviously, she's completely oblivious to what she says and how it affects people. I think she needs a lesson from a little kid about how to treat others the way you want to be treated. LOL! Yes, Absolon was a fantastic model! What a hottie! I loved your magazine article. In all honesty, I didn't even think the article was THAT bad. She needs to get over it.

    1. Helena's problem is she's selfish. She's fully in tune of how words hurt because she's always getting hurt by them, but she's completely oblivious that the things she says have the capability of hurting other people as well. LOL, she might benefit from a little kid telling her that, but then again, she is Helena, so she might not. XD Haha, I loved using Absolon in this chapter cause I missed him. The Compound is my completed story, so I don't play in that save very often anymore. T_T Aww thanks, haha, I enjoyed making that article. You're right, the article wasn't bad at all, it was just that Helena chose to make it more terrible than it really was.

  12. Why Helena, why?! She had someone who loves her for who she is, but nothing is good enough. It's like she feels that she doesn't deserve happiness so she picks at it. I would say that these two need to talk to one another to clear the air, but I doubt that will help at this point. I've said it many times before, but she needs help. I think Dustin is right about the baby thing though. I seriously don't think she could handle it. Helena is seriously broken inside.

    Patrick is such a cutie! I'm guessing he has the perceptive trait in addition to the Hates the Outdoors trait?

    1. LOL, because Helena's retarded most of the time, that's why. XD She's self-righteous most of the time, and she wants things to go her way or they're wrong. Dustin wants Helena to learn, to realize why she hurt him, or even to realize that she did hurt him, because she's oblivious in this chapter. Haha, Helena's religiousness makes her think she's fine, and that she doesn't need help because God made her that way. Babies almost always add stress to a marriage, and although she would love the baby because she wants it so badly, she would not give it a healthy environment to live in mentally due to how she treats Dustin. Her being broken inside seems pretty accurate.

      Yes, you're right! He has the perceptive trait, LOL, I enjoy writing the traits in through description rather than just dumping the list of traits in the story. :D I think it makes it more interesting that way, when you see the trait being played out in the story.

  13. *fans self* Absolon is looking mighty studly. It's a good thing for Soleil that Max isn't the jealous type. Those are some provocative pictures.

    I'm purposely ignoring Helena because she just made me angry again. Dustin deserves better.

    1. LOL I loved using Absolon in this chapter. I missed him because he's from my completed story, so I don't get to see him much anymore. T_T
      Uh huh, this was one of Soleil's racier assignments, but Max has those too for his movies, so he completely understands. The trust Soleil and Max have for each other is out of this world. :D
      LOL, Helena does deserve to be ignored. She's just ridiculous.

  14. I need a cold shower after looking at Absolon :) lol I love him. You always pick beautiful and unique names for your characters...I've noticed that for a while now :) Soleil looked so pretty in this chapter like she always does but she was more enticing this time. I wonder how max will feel when he sees Soleil in the magazine lol this is going to get interesting :) Patrick is so sensible...can't wait to read his chapters after I'm done with these. Helena is ruining everything for herself but I'm honestly starting to think she might have mental/social issues but I might be wrong. There goes that wish to have a baby! At least Dustin is smart and realizes they shouldn't have a child right now. Helena needs to get over her self and LISTEN instead of talk about herself all the time. She shouldn't force her religion on Dustin either ...that's not fair to him and its extremely offensive.

    1. LOL! Absolon is in my completed story The Compound if you want to see more of his sexiness. LOL. Aww, thanks so much, I don't really enjoy the common names just because everyone uses them. Sometimes it's hard to come up with names because I try to make them so unique.

      Mm hmm, when Soleil's at work, they amp up her seductive nature quite a bit, and she pulls it off incredibly well. Haha, you'll just have to read on to see how Max reacts. :D

      Aww, yay, I'm glad you're already liking Patrick even though he's still a little kid here. :) Makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Thank you for that.

      Yup, that's Helena for you, she brings all of her problems down on herself. If anything, she probably has clinical depression because she's always putting herself down and comparing herself to Soleil. IKR? Dustin wants to spare the child the crazy ridiculousness that is his life right now, LOL. Until Helena can get her shit together, she shouldn't raise a child. To be a parent, you have to look out for your child, and with Helena always thinking about herself, that's not a good way to be. It would be a miracle if Helena would actually listen to Dustin and everyone else who talks to her.

      I agree, her making Dustin feel like crap, using the oldest trick in the book, with religion, is one of the most irritating, offensive things a person can do to someone. I've had people force their religion on me before... >:[ and I hated it, so writing Dustin's part was pretty personal for me here, LOL.

      Thank you for reading and commenting. :)

  15. I'm always happy when the plot picks on Helena's storyline. She is more complex than the others, I think, and she brings the conflict in. At the same time, I'm a little disappointed with Max and Soleil -- I expected them to be less conventional, and less linear too -- character-wise, I mean. They are two of the same kind, and match perfectly -- that's why, in my opinion, Dustin and Helena make a much richer background, even as side characters, than the protagonists... What do you think?

    Unless, of course, you have another surprise on hold -- because each new chapter seems to bring one.

    It was sweet of Patrick to cheer uncle Dustin!

    1. I think that yes, I did write Helena's character to be the source of conflict in generation one. I think Max and Soleil's personalities are more subtle, and you have to look for the things in their personalities that make them unique, whereas Helena's traits are obvious and you don't have to look hard to see what's going on. I wrote Max and Soleil to be two peas in a pod because I liked Max and I wanted him to be happy, also to show that there are relationships out there that are accepting, passionate, and trusting, in contrast to Helena and Dustin's constant fighting and doubts about each other.

      Soleil and Max are accepting of each other, supportive of each other, and they are laid back people. The big thing with Max is that he used to be a player, not wanting relationships, and perfectly happy with one night stands, but after meeting Soleil, he fell in love, and no longer wanted frivolous sex from strangers. That was a big part of his personality, and yes, it is more subtle, but this whole generation is about labels, and how labels don't define people, it's the actions that speak more to the character of a person.

      Soleil is unjudgmental, and you might not see that because of her hot temper, but she forgave Helena for losing Patrick, I've had many others in comments tell me that had a friend lost their child, they would never forgive them, even if the child was returned safely. Soleil however, did, which speaks volumes. She also gave Max a chance when she had feelings for him, whereas most girls would act like Helena, and at the first hint of suspicion, would have dumped him like last night's trash. However, Soleil chose to look past Max's "label" and look into his personality, and his actions. That is her personality, and again, yes, it is more subtle, but it is there.

      Heehee, I have lots of surprises up my sleeve, that's just the way I write. I don't like to stay away from controversy very often, as you can tell. LOL.

      Patrick is a sweet boy, he is being raised in a great family. :)

  16. So that tabloid article isn't going to help Helena's self-esteem issues. haha But Dustin is correct, they're a bunch of BS and she shouldn't even be reading it. I understand she saw her face and was curious but, y'know what they say about curiosity. And y'know, Dustin has every right to be angry with Helena, his reaction is completely normal. She's just so oblivious and wrapped up in her own worries that she's missing what's right in front of her, I think. And then she pushes church and her religion on Dustin? Okay, really, she needs to knock that stuff off already. She knows how he feels about it, pushing it on him when she already messed up is making it worse. Arrghh. But he still went? Gawwd, Helena doesn't even realize what's she got, does she? She better shape up or he's going to give up on her one day and just leave.
    That. Photoshoot. Wowzah. hahaha Yep, perfect male model choice. Without. A. Doubt. After I catch up here I'm going to have to go read all these other connecting stories of yours. lol So much catching up. :) Oh, and that hairstylist? hahaha Too funny. I love him. Definitely made me chuckle.
    Okay, Patrick is melting my heart here. I'm so eager to see him grown that I'm fighting myself not to jump to his first chapter just so I can get a small taste of who he grows up to be. But I won't. I have self-control. I do. Sometimes. lol

    1. Yeah, tabloids should be taken about as seriously as an April Fool's joke. ROFL. They're only really good for looking at pretty dresses, LOL, at least for me, the "articles" in them I could give a shit about. XD Helena, though, takes everything so personally and then makes a mountain out of a molehill. Dustin feels like Helena ripped his heart out and stomped on it, so he's not going to be on good terms with her for quite a while. I agree, she's definitely missing what's right under her nose. IKR? She doesn't even realize that Dustin, yet again, has compromised with her, even though, he is furious with her. She is majorly taking him for granted.
      Teehee, I missed Absolon a lot, so I greatly enjoyed giving him a guest starring role. The man deserves it. LOL. Haha, Antoine's dialogue was really fun for me to write, I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.
      Patrick. is. perfect. Haha, aww, that's so sweet, LOL, that you wanted to see him grown so much. XD *hands you an award for having self control* LOL.

  17. those yeah those ending pictures...Me thinks those will be a problem. :(

    I'm just gonna ignore Helena because yeah, I still hate her and hope she burns in the sun!!!! Then gets hit by a bus, then have a stake rammed through her heart. Did I mention I don't like her???

    Patrick is a cutie and I'm glad he was able to bring a smile to Dustin's face.

    1. Aww, you think Soleil would be un-professional? Those were modeling pictures for an advertisement. We'll see if your suspicions are correct or not.

      LOL. Good. Ignore Helena, she's retarded. XD

      Patrick is growing up very, very well, and he knows the meaning of love, thanks to his awesome parents. God knows Dustin needed a smile. LOL.

  18. Oh boy the photoshoot. I hope since they are both in show business that it's understood that those are just another day in the office. I think they are going to be trouble though.

    I don't see how Dustin can stay in that marriage any longer, he is just too hurt and Helena is too much into herself to try and fix it. Their days are numbered.

    1. You think the photo shoot will be trouble? With what you already know about Max and Soleil? I'm a little surprised, but I'll keep quiet on that till you get to the chapter where I touch on it.

      Dustin is hurt, but he's hoping Helena will at least try and understand why he's so hurt. He still wants to help her, as crazy as that sounds.


Tell me and Armand what you thought!

No. of Echoes


Rated: R. Echoes of Eternity is a chronological story best read from Chapter One. It will deal with topics of all kinds, including some that are uncomfortable.



Thank you, Stormy, Julie, Andante Zen, sandybeachgirl, lovesstorms, TheJanesLegacy, and Lckygrl1975!
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