Friday, August 16, 2013

Maximus Fourteen: Disaster Strikes

I'm on the set of my show, and everything is going as normal, when all of a sudden I see a woman I only vaguely remember walking towards me. As she gets closer, I get annoyed because I recognize her as Jade, that girl who I was with in the hot tub as a teenager. She had called me a few times after we graduated high school, but I got a new phone when I moved to Silicon Shores, and I deleted her number. I can't decide what expression she has on her face, whether she's mad at me or happy to see me. I know I'm not happy to see her, not at all.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls? I've been calling you almost every day. I can't stop thinking about you, Max."

"Um, does your number happen to be blocked?"

"Yeah, why?"

It's her that's been calling me? Silently? She's annoying me already and she's only said one sentence. I roll my eyes at her, making sure she can see my irritation.

"Because you didn't say anything when I picked up the phone."

"I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me, and every time I heard your voice, I froze up and didn't know how to tell you that I love you, so I just hung up."

"What do you want, Jade?"

"I found out you moved here, and I remembered how good we were in high school. I wanted to come be with you. I've always loved you."

"You can forget it. I have a girlfriend now. Leave me alone."

"Oh come on, I bet she's not half as good as I was in bed. Plus, you're famous now, she's going to eventually get jealous of all the fans, and complain about how you're never home because you're always working."

"I'm not talking to you about her. I have to work, so go away, Jade."

Jade annoyingly starts trying to block my path, which I dodge easily. She tries to touch me, but I quickly move out of the way and continue walking away from her.

"Max, look at me. I want to be with you. Come on, don't you want this? You liked it in high school."

"People change. I don't have to explain myself to you. Now go away before I have security take you away."

"Ouch. So harsh, Max."

"Trying to touch me is not something I wanted. There is nothing between us, so just go away. I don't love you."

"You can't just push me away like this. What if I tell your little girlfriend about us?"

"She already knows how I was in high school, so she's not going to give a shit. GOODBYE, Jade."

Jade looks at me with what she thinks is an intimidating look, but it's of course not scaring me the slightest little bit.

"I know a lot more about you than you think, Max."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Jade smiles at me, with sort of a sinister look on her face and leaves the set. I start to wonder if Jade would do anything dangerous. I hope that Soleil is having a better day than I am, and I try to shake off the look Jade gave me while continuing to work.

"Hello Patrick! How are you?"

"I'm good, Momma. I'm excited to see Aunt Helena and Dusty today!"

Helena has been wanting to babysit Patrick forever now, so Max and I decided it would be fine since she is technically family. I've told her to not talk to Patrick about her views on life though because the last thing I need is him starting to ask why Max and I aren't married. We are trying to teach Patrick to be as open minded as possible, and that there isn't only one way to love someone. Dustin is coming along as well because he has the day off. I took a photo shoot job for a magazine ad today since it coincided with the day Dustin and Helena were free. Pretty soon the doorbell rings and I let Patrick walk over to them.

"Hi Aunt Helena! Hi Dusty! Can you take me to the park?"

"Hey, there little buddy. Only if your mom lets us."

"Momma! Momma! Can I? Can I?"

I laugh as Patrick's eyes light up, pleading with me to say yes, which I was going to anyway. I see no harm in them letting him play on the playground. Max and I have been taking turns spending time with him, and he has grown to love the park. I kiss Patrick on the cheek, and head off to my photo shoot.

When Dustin and I arrive at the park, Patrick asks if he can play on the little riding toys, so Dustin puts him on the one that looks like a pirate ship. Patrick laughs hysterically as he wobbles back and forth, while Dustin cheers and claps for him. I am finding myself staring at Dustin and how he is so good with Patrick. Sadly, for me, I feel kind of awkward around him, even though I want nothing more than to have a family of my own.

"Aunt Helena! Come play!"

Patrick calls out to me when he notices I'm just standing there staring. He has always been nice to me, so I don't know where the awkwardness comes from, although I have a feeling maybe it's my jealous feelings surfacing, and the sadness that he isn't mine. I just want to have a normal relationship with him. After his ride on the pirate ship is over, Patrick asks to go play in the sandbox.

"Here, Aunt Helena, use this bucket. We can make the castle."

I smile at him, and start pouring sand into little piles while Patrick molds them into the shape that he thinks a castle should be.

"Oh my god, for real? Dustin Xavier? The actor? EEEEE! You are like my most favorite actor in the world!"

Dustin stands a few feet away from Patrick and I, I think he was getting a picnic ready for us, when a redhead comes up to him screaming hysterically and being completely star struck. I watch them like a hawk as she keeps touching my man on the arm. Who the hell does she think she is? He's engaged and he's mine! My eyes see red as I get up and head over to the two of them. Dustin is smiling and signing something for her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, you tramp?! Get away from him!"

The tramp looks at me shocked and holds her hands up defensively.

"He's engaged! Don't you know that?! Do you go around flirting with everyone like this?!"

"Helena, calm down, she just wanted my autograph."

"I am so sorry, miss, I didn't mean anything by it, he's just my favorite actor, and I was excited to see him and I was so happy he took time out of his day to give me his autograph. I'll leave now. Thank you, Mr. Xavier."

Dustin nods and then he gets a shocked look in his eyes.

"Helena, where is Patrick? Did you bring him over here?"

"No, it's fine, he's playing in the sandbox."

"No, he's not. There's no one in the sandbox. Helena! What were you thinking? You can't just leave a child alone like that!"

"I'm sorry! She was flirting with you and I had to stop her!"

Dustin sighs heavily and runs all over the playground, looking around frantically for Patrick, but he doesn't find him. I chase after him and stand there awkwardly.

"Shit, shit, shit, Helena! Max and Soleil are going to kill us! This is our first babysitting experience and we fucked it up! What the hell were you thinking?!"

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Are you serious right now?! We lost their baby, and it's getting dark fast! You couldn't have just picked Patrick up and come over here?! That's why I'm mad at you!"

"Do you still love me?"

"Yes, of course. But I am worried right now and this is not about us. We have to call them and let them know."

Dustin calls Max and swears when he can't get a hold of him. He leaves a message explaining what happened and then calls Soleil, also having to leave her a message.

"What did you expect, Dustin, they're both at work!"

"Well I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing! The sooner we fix this, the better."

"Do you think he's been kidnapped?"

"He's not here, is he?! So yeah, it's possible!"

"They're pretty irresponsible parents if they didn't leave their phones on in case something happened."

Dustin squints his eyes at me and gets annoyed.

"They trusted us that nothing would happen! Besides on a movie set, you can't always have your phone on you, let alone having it ring in the middle of a shoot! It ruins the scene!"


"Oh thank god, it's Max."

Dustin holds the phone away from his ear and I can hear Max yelling about how the hell could we let this happen. Dustin apologizes a million times until Max finally calms down and tells Dustin to meet him at the police station. When we get there, I can feel Max staring daggers into me.

There is a tension between Dustin and I as well, and he's looking down at the floor with his hands in his hair. Soleil bursts into the police station about an hour later and sobs into Max's arms. When she looks up, she has a death glare aimed at me.

"What the fuck, Helena?! Dustin's message said you guys lost Patrick because you left him alone in the sandbox?! You can't just leave a four year old unattended like that!! I trusted you!"

Soleil lunges at me, and Max has to restrain her so that she doesn't rip my face off right there in the police station.

"What was I supposed to do? Just let that girl take my man away?!"

"Why is everything always about you, Helena?! You could have picked Patrick up and brought him with you! Now he's missing?! Possibly kidnapped by some crazy person?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Max pulls Soleil towards him and stands with his arm around her so she doesn't attack me again, but she's still glaring at me, burning holes into my face. Dustin gets up out of the chair and apologizes to Max and Soleil, then looks at me as if he's waiting for me to say something.

When I don't, Dustin puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Helena, you should apologize as well. This mistake is both of our faults."

I still don't say anything, while Soleil's words resonate in my mind, namely the part where she asked what was wrong with me. What is wrong with me? All I can think of was how that girl was flirting with Dustin. After I saw her, nothing else mattered, I saw no one else but the two of them. That doesn't mean something's wrong with me, does it? I know I'm jealous of Max and Soleil, but did I lose Patrick on purpose?


  1. *screams*
    *chases Helena with a chainsaw*
    WHY WOULD Y...

    *screams again*

    Jesus.. I hope Patrick is okayy.. T_T

    1. LOL! Your comment is hilarious. Thanks for reading! =)

    2. Okay, my previous response was lame. LOL. I did find your comment hilarious. Patrick is going to do as much as his little self can do in a situation like this, and he's the heir, so he'll come back. His kidnapping might mess with his head when he gets older, but it won't be life crippling or anything drastic like that. =)
      *flanks Helena with a flamethrower, waits for you and your chainsaw to approach* >:D

  2. Alright now, I always had my doubts about Helenas mental health- but now it´s official, she is a COMPLETE nutjob. When not even the dissapearance of a small child that was her resposibility can make her even START to wonder that maybe, just maybe there might be something wrong with her attitude, then there is a need for treatment
    Hey Latenight! Love the update *fg*

    1. Hello! Thanks. LOL! Helena's ridiculous. Her priorities are for sure very, very wrong, and her jealousy is increasingly becoming a stupid excuse. The nerve she had to try to argue with Soleil just shows she's an idiot. ROFL. Thanks for reading! =)

  3. Really? She lost the DAMN BABY!? Who does that? If she can't handle her insecurities she should be allowed to be part of the general population. And I tots know who stole the kid...come on!

    Helena should be charged with accessory after the fact.

    1. Yes, yes she did. She is an idiot for sure. Unfortunately, she can't be arrested for ignorance and idiocy, although it would be funny if she could be. Haha, yes, the kidnapper isn't really a mystery. Thanks for reading! =)

  4. Jade doesn't realize that Max would never cheat and it take something horrendous like that for Max and Soleil to break up.

    And if she is behind the kidnapping she's only really going to succeed in possibly putting a wedge between the two couples. How that wedge affects the relationships is unknown for Dustin. It probably will hurt Helena since she was already on a bad footing with Max and Soleil.

    I hope Patrick is returned safe and sound.

    1. You're right, Jade is operating on Max's past personality and although she may somehow creepily know more about his life than he knows, she is unaware of his faithfulness. The wedge will go straight for Helena's face. Dustin's already apologized numerous times and has taken half the blame for what happened, so Max and Soleil know that it really was Helena's insecurities and lack of common sense that are to blame for Patrick's disappearance. Dustin trusted Helena to know enough not to leave a baby unattended, so the fact that Helena pretty much showed him she can't be trusted whenever a pretty face is around will probably make their relationship falter a bit.

  5. Gah! Great chapter! Psycho alert! I wonder if Jade had something to do with Patrick's disappearance. Ugh, Poor Max and Soleil. :( Helena is a psycho, if only she wasn't such a hateful jealous spiteful person, Patrick would probably be FINE right now.

    1. Thank you. =) Oh Helena, thou art a dumbass. It's like Soleil and Dustin said, if Helena had just picked Patrick up, he wouldn't have disappeared. LOL. It's possible Jade was involved, she was being really creepy when she talked to Max.

  6. Dustin and Helena are engaged?! What??? He is incredibly patient with her, given how annoying she is. I kinda think the random girl asking him for an autograph would be a better romantic pairing with Dustin. Yep, that's what I think of Helena lol.

    Poor baby Patrick, I really hope this kidnapping doesn't have long-term consequences on his personality. :( I mean, Jade's wearing what looks like a school uniform with a tie and a tie clip! No normal adult woman would wear that to entice a man!!

    1. Yeah they were engaged last chapter, not as in I showed it from their points of view or anything, but with Helena calling Soleil and asking her to be the maid of honor. You're probably right, that cute fan girl probably would have been a better girlfriend for Dustin. LOL. He does have a lot of patience, but everyone has their limits, here's hoping Helena doesn't test those limits for her own sake.
      Jade's a delusional moron, ROFL, hence her weird choice of outfit. She was kind of just hoping Max would want her because of him being okay with it all throughout high school, and she thought she didn't need to try too hard with the seducing.
      Yikes for Patrick, yeah, it's always a problem when small children suffer trauma like this. It can cause problems for them in the future, but hopefully he remains in tact.

  7. OMG!! Helana needs therapy!! She's so blinkered by her stupid thoughts she neglected Patrick!!! Was that Jade in the park disguised as the Dustin fan??
    I just hope he comes back safely!!

    1. Helena's a fucking idiot. That's all there is to it. LOL. No Dustin's fan was just Dustin's fan. The kidnapper wasn't shown in this chapter. While Helena was busy yelling at the fan, someone else came in and ran away with Patrick.

  8. Lol. Helena. You are crazy amounts of self centered. Sometimes you say/think something and I just stare at the screen and laugh.

    1. Ugh, Helena should get an award for Most Selfish Person in the Universe. LOL. I'm glad she can make you laugh with her stupidity. XD

  9. Why is Helena still alive? What a stupid, brainless, self-centered, insecure witch! I can't believe that happened.... That should never have happened.... All because a little girl wanted an actor's autograph. If that Jade is involved in any way, this will kill Max.

    1. LMAO. Helena is my catalyst for drama, that's the only reason she's still alive. I keep thinking in my head that I want her to go away, but then I'd have to stir up trouble between Max and Soleil, and I most definitely don't want to do that. Like everyone else said, just pick up the baby and take him with you if you're going to go talk to someone else, well, yell, in this case, LOL. Yeah, with anyone else other than Helena, this never would have happened. It's common sense, don't leave babies unattended, especially in wide open spaces like parks. Jeez Helena. Hahaha. =)

  10. Urgh HELENA! When someone is famous you have to expect people to want their autograph, the girl didn't mean harm she just wanted an autograph. Helena....just urgh. I hope Patrick is ok :(

    1. LOL. Helena is blinded by her selfishness and jealousy. She's so possessive that she forgets about important things, like watching her nephew. Exactly, the girl was just a starstruck fan. Patrick's the heir, so he'll be okay. :)

  11. I'm upset with Helena, but I also feel for her. She is not even remotely secure in herself at all. She thinks everything is about her because she can't get the security she needs. IF she had that, IF she had this. If she can't be happy with herself in this specific moment, then NOTHING she receives here on out that she wants is going to make her happy. She desperately needs to find a way to be secure by herself. Ugh!

    Anyway, Jade is um...well, pathetic. This girl that came up to Dustin...I want to find that she's innocent, but she could have been a decoy for Patrick's stalker. Hmmm...will have to read on, but I suddenly (in the middle of writing this) got bombarded with a water balloon fight. I went outside and my kids and neighbor kids got me. So, I'm sorry...I got distracted and need to go make dinner now. Will continue later. :D

    1. LOL yes, you pinpointed Helena's flaws very well in that paragraph. She is extremely insecure and thinks the world revolves her because she is constantly asking everyone to make her feel better. It's very draining being around someone like Helena because when she tries to find her self worth in other people, it's just irritating.

      Hahaha, Jade is pathetic. She seriously thought Max would want to be her boyfriend/husband, after they were together at a party once in high school. Delusional. LOL. Well, I can ease your fears about the fan. These guys all live in Hollywood, so meeting a celebrity like Dustin is pretty normal, and that girl really did just want his autograph. LOL the water balloons. Well, I hope it cooled you down at least. XD

  12. Helena really needs a shrink! Her jealousy levels aren't normal and the sooner she gets some professional help, the better.

    Calm the heck down Soleil! These things happen! I'm sure Patrick will be found soon.

    1. Helena... is... broken. ROFL. I'm not sure I would want to impose any unsuspecting therapist onto her problems. O_O She'd probably drive the therapist insane. LOL. Helena won't ever get help from a secular doctor, though, she's convinced God will make it right for her.

      Soleil's mama bear instinct kicked in. Sure, she's not the most maternal character in the universe, but her four year old son just went missing. That's not... a light hearted subject. It's not like when he was playing around in the toy box and they couldn't find him. He's literally gone right now. You're right though, he will be found because he's the heir! Got to have him come back! LOL. :)

  13. Two people need an ass kicking!

    First in line is Jade for kidnapping Patrick. Max better put 2 & 2 together quickly so the cops can find Patrick asap. Then she better get what's coming to her -- a jail term.

    Second in line, and riiiiight behind Jade, is Helena for being a self-centered, jealous idiot who wants to have kids but doesn't have the common sense not to leave a child unattended in a public park. The fact that she thinks she was justified in doing so because Dustin's fan had the nerve to talk to him and touch his arm is beyond me. She needs to get a grip and get her priorities straight. Ugh.

    1. Jade's a fucking psycho, we'll find out what happens to her subtly, in a future chapter.

      Helena is... just ridiculous, for not having any common sense, and for having an unhealthy amount of jealousy. Freaking out on the fan was crazy especially since all the fan wanted was an autograph, it's not like the fan had been stalking Dustin or anything. But we all know Helena, it's always all about her, even when there's a small child involved. *rolls eyes*

  14. Ohhhh Jade leave Max alone he doesn't want you anymore, you were just a wham van thank you ma'am....I know it hurts but you have to move on and stop stalking the poor guy lol. Max needs to tell Soleil about Jade ASAP...otherwise things wikl get ugly...She already warned him. Helena actually turned out to be a pretty bad babysitter...which is surprising to me lol why didnt she think about poor little Patrick? She got all mad because a girl was asking Dustin for an autograph? Seriously? That could've waited especially since Patrick was looks like Soleil will not be her maid of honor anymore...I would be pretty pissed if that happened to me

  15. Replies
    1. LOL, Jade is ridiculous, thinking that after all these years, Max would even still care about her, when she was one of his one night stands in high school. She's pretty stupid, which explains why she's resorted to stalking Max. *rolls eyes*

      Helena's too self-involved to be a babysitter, she's very focused on herself, which is why she didn't think about Patrick. She's too selfish to think about other people. She flipped out on that girl asking for Dustin's autograph because she views Dustin as her property, and the girl was threatening her property, so Helena felt like the girl was threatening her. Patrick got left by the sidelines. Helena's always had crazy jealousy problems, and she hasn't gotten rid of them, so they really came out in this chapter.

      Well, you'll just have to see what Soleil does. For now, she yelled at Helena pretty badly, which makes sense because Soleil is pissed off that Patrick is missing.

  16. Jade is mentally disturbed, isn't she? No one calls a person you haven't seen in years to declare you love him -- and simply stay silent on the other side of the line. Since she has made her appearance in this chapter, I am led to think she is directly involved with Patrick's kidnapping.

    "did I lose Patrick on purpose?" That's the best line, and perfect to end this chapter. Helena makes plenty of mistakes, and not apologizing is the most usual of them. But everyone is trying to crucify her, here -- that's when she gets stuck. And then I think it is simplifying things -- the righteous on one side, the wronged on the other. I guess if Helena was crying and showing desperation and playing the victim, they would be nicer to her. It seems to me that they are all just acting like crazed teenagers.

    I'm sorry for Patrick in all this.

    1. As far as I am concerned, Jade and Helena are the only one who are acting like crazed teenagers. Everyone else yes, was panicking, of course they should, a person has gone missing. To not be concerned would show a complete lack of interest in Patrick, which would just be ridiculous, since everyone loves Patrick, except for Helena, who's sanity can be questioned as well as Jade's. LOL.

      Yeah, Jade is very psychotic, she's under the delusion that Max has feelings for her. In reality, Jade thinks she has feelings for Max, and is willing to go to desperate measures to try to get Max to go with her, include harassing him. Of course, she's delusional, because you are right, no one who is sane does any of the things she has done to him.

      Aww well, thank you, I enjoyed the ending line too, I thought it would be perfect to leave people wondering if Helena has some sinister side in her too, or if she really is just that dumb. Everyone was trying to make Helena understand why she was in the wrong. I mean, if I lost someone's kid I was supposed to be babysitting, the logical thing to do would be apologize profusely. The fact that Helena can't even see that she did something wrong is why everyone was so irritated with her. She's almost like a child, being scolded, but having no idea why.

      Patrick is definitely the victim here, he's being used as an object instead of treated like a person.

  17. Oh no! Poor little Patrick! I hope he's okay. :( Freaking Helena; what is wrong with her? Lose him on purpose, is she freakin' serious?! Ugh No idea what she was thinking. I'm so worried and upset about this missing baby. Great chapter; off to discover what Patrick's fate is...

    1. Yeah, poor Patrick, the victim in such senseless drama created by dumb Helena. She has no idea what the hell is going on with herself, and she cannot keep her jealousy in check, she just had to go over and scream at the fan. She's really out of tune with reality, which is why that question even popped up in her head. So far, she's come to accept that she is indeed jealous of Max and Soleil, but that's as far as her progress bar goes. She herself doesn't understand why she just stopped watching Patrick, other than she only thinks about herself. Unfortunately, no one else knows why Patrick wasn't priority one either. Helena's semi-vindictive, so it is possible she did it on purpose, but it's probably more along the lines of she is incredibly stupid. LOL.

  18. No words!!! No words right now. Helena needs to burn in hell!!! Seriously!!!! SHE LOST THEIR CHILD but it's not her fault. She called them IRRESPONSIBLE?!?!?!?! OMG I just can't even. That is just...even Dustin was looking at her like say something, apologize for what's happening but not a word. I hope he dumps her!

    1. Yeah, Helena is... fucked up. Her perception of the world, could border on insanity. LOL. IKR? She called Max and Soleil irresponsible... just ridiculous. Ugh, she just has no common sense, at all. Apologizing should have been everything she was doing. Dustin felt like shit for losing Patrick, and it wasn't even all his doing, but he knew he had half the responsibility. This chapter just shows how much of a huge idiot Helena is.

  19. OMG! I can't believe Helena let her insane jealousy overcome her so much that she lost Patrick! Than she has the nerve to call them irresponsible because of the phones. Hopefully the find Patrick safely as that is priority but after that Max and Soleil should never want to speak to Helena again and Dustin should break the engagement with her as this is a preview of their life together.

    1. I'm glad I managed to surprise you with Helena, LOL, I had wondered if people would still be surprised with things she did since she's been so ridiculous always.
      *sigh* Her self-righteous nonsense makes her put her foot in her mouth all the time. Haha, well we will see how forgiving the three of them are towards her... it will depend on what happens to Patrick and whether he's returned safely or not.


Tell me and Armand what you thought!

No. of Echoes


Rated: R. Echoes of Eternity is a chronological story best read from Chapter One. It will deal with topics of all kinds, including some that are uncomfortable.



Thank you, Stormy, Julie, Andante Zen, sandybeachgirl, lovesstorms, TheJanesLegacy, and Lckygrl1975!
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