Thursday, May 22, 2014

Patrick Fourteen: Flight Out

Thanks to Mrs OogieBoogie for some special poses she made and put up for download that are from her story, The Insane Dubois Legacy.

Katya and I were at the airport with Jack and my parents, getting ready to go on our honeymoon to Paris. Jack was on the same flight as us, and we were leaving Armand in the very capable hands of Mom and Dad, who were excited to spend a week with him while we were away. Katya, Jack, and I were at the check in counter, while Mom and Dad hung out in the waiting area. After we finished checking our bags in and getting our boarding passes figured out, we headed over to Mom, Dad, and Armand, who were just about to wander into the gift shop that they had been standing next to. Armand's face lit up when he saw me, and he practically jumped out of Dad's arms to get to me.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Dad handed him off to me, and I went with him into the small gift shop to look at some clothes. He was an inquisitive child, and as soon as he was in my arms, he started talking nonstop. I was just glad he wasn't one of those children who constantly asked 'why' about everything. I liked talking to Armand because I found the things he asked were usually fun.

"Daddy, are you coming back?"

"What? Yes, of course, I'm coming back. I love you."

"Ok! Where are you going?"


"Is it pretty?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Will you bring me a picture of France?"

"Sure, but you have to behave for Grandma and Grandpa, okay?"

Armand smiled at me and nodded, wrapping his little fingers around my shirt and snuggling his face into my neck. I looked at Katya, who was reading a magazine. She looked so cute wearing her hair in the same style she was when I first met her. After I stopped staring at her, and finally got her attention, she grinned at me, nodding that we should probably get going. I motioned for her to come over and talk to Armand for a little while before I gave him back to my parents, and she gave him a hug, saying she'd miss him.

 As she handed Armand back to my parents, he raised his hand towards us, waving.

"Wuv you, Daddy! Bye Mama!"

Katya's face fell a little bit as she waved back at Armand, and I could see the hurt in her eyes. As we went up to the gate with Jack, Katya was not in the best mood. She was a little silent, only answering questions if she was being asked. I knew she was sad because Armand didn't say he loved her, but I felt like it was partly her fault. That distance she'd created between them after he was born had apparently affected him more than she knew or expected. During the year before our wedding, back when Katya kept being withdrawn, she was also not talking much to me. I didn't even know she had been trying to find her father, although I was happy for her when she did finally tell me what she had been up to. I wished she would talk to me more, and when I saw that look in her eyes again as she sat down in one of the chairs, I was a little worried she would be down for the entire honeymoon. Jack had sat down and was reading a book, and Katya was just staring blankly out the window at the airplane parked on the tarmac.

I came up behind her, resting my elbows on the back of the chair, and then placing my chin on my hands.

"Hey babe. Are you all right?"

Katya looked back at me, and I thought she was going to ignore me, but she spoke.

"Can you hug me? I really need a hug."

I nodded, and sat down in the chair next to her. Katya crawled up into my lap. I rested my arm on her legs, and she grabbed my wrist. She hugged herself with her right arm, and buried her chin in her shoulder. I hugged her, then tried to talk to her again.

"Are you okay? What's the matter?"

Katya sniffled into her arm and mumbled a barely audible answer to my question.

"Armand doesn't love me. Our son hates me."

"Katya, he doesn't hate you, he just isn't close to you because you and him haven't gotten to know each other very well. You're his mother, he would never hate you. Okay?"

Katya looked over her shoulder at some empty chairs that were in the room, not convinced about what I said. I wished I didn't have to constantly feel like it was my responsibility to make Katya happy. It was difficult because some days I just wanted to let her wallow, let her pity herself, and let her pull herself out of her slump. I can't lie that I didn't have thoughts of just breaking it off with her that year she was distant from Armand and I. I didn't think Armand would really mind that much, considering he barely knew Katya, but I would have been lying to myself since I did love Katya. My actions were rewarded, when I thought of the wedding song she picked for us, and the fact that she thought I was worth waiting for meant a lot to me. I just couldn't for the life of me figure out why she acted like she didn't want to talk to me about things unless I pushed and pushed. Some days it was hard to remember that she did love me. I told Katya I was going to get a cup of coffee, and she nodded, resuming her blank stares.

I went and sat in the coffee shop by myself after getting a cinnamon mocha with whipped cream. I didn't really know what to think or how to feel, honestly. I was glad for the time alone, not that I didn't love Armand, but I tried to put up a front for him that I was perfectly happy, so I wouldn't worry him. As much as I knew I had to do that for him, I didn't like having to do it all the time. I wanted to be able to feel the emotions that I knew were there. Even though I was a private person, I didn't like suppressing my feelings. I looked at my cell phone, and saw that there was a little over an hour left before our flight would start boarding. Don't get me wrong, I was happy, I had a beautiful wife, and a healthy son, I just felt exhausted more often than not. Mentally, my family was draining me dry. I felt like I was a single father sometimes even though Katya had been spending more time with Armand. I no longer worried that she would ignore his needs when I was away, but she still struggled with Armand's love, or lack thereof, for her.

I sighed softly to myself, wishing I wasn't in a mood. I was leaving on my honeymoon, for fuck's sake, this should be a happy time, for both Katya and I. I laid my head in my hand, frustrated. I heard the chair next to me scrape the floor as someone pulled it out and sat down with me. I looked up and it was Jack. I tried to smile at him, but I knew it was a weak one, and I wanted to slap myself for feeling like this.

Jack and I sat in silence for a while. I liked him. He reminded me a lot of my own father, a caring person who was always open to listening without judgment. I wondered if Katya had taken advantage of that quality in her father like I had with mine.

"Patrick, are you all right?"

"Yeah... no, not really. I don't want to make it seem like I don't appreciate this trip that you made possible, but I'm not in the best mood right now. I feel like she's just as distant from me as she is with Armand, like there's this invisible wall between us that I'm stuck behind. Katya's withdrawing from me again, no matter how much I talk to her, it's like she doesn't want me to help her. I have given her space, but I don't know if that's good or not either because now I feel like I don't know what to say to her."

"It's okay, I'm not taking it personally that you guys are both off in your own little worlds. Katya's always been a bit of a loner, and she's prone to depression. It's not a reflection of you though, she loves you. I know that, being her father, I've never seen her with a man that made her face light up before you came along. You awakened the happiness in her that I know has always been there, but she's buried it in her heart because of the hardships she's been through. It's not fair of her to take it out on you by ignoring you, and I just talked to her about it before I came over here."

"Flight 1329 to Paris, France, now boarding rows 71-89. All passengers in rows 71-89 may now board the plane."

I looked at my boarding pass, and we were in row 89, the very back of the plane, so I went over to get Katya, and she got up when she saw me coming, but she didn't stay with me. She walked ahead of me, so I took the opportunity to continue talking with Jack.

"Thank you, Jack, for trying to mediate Katya and I. I don't want to make it seem like you need to be our marriage counselor."

"I know you don't have cruel intentions, Patrick, so I'm happy to help. This has been one of Katya's character flaws that she hasn't learned to deal with, even as a child. Katya is upset with me, since she knows I'm right. She knows she shouldn't ignore you, but she's stubborn and she's pouting. I told her that she's married now, and she needs to be able to talk to you because you're her husband. She's always had a hard time expressing herself, and she doesn't like to ask for help. I don't know why she insists on keeping the world on her shoulders all the time."

"What do you suggest I do when she gets like this?"

"Maybe try to take her mind off of what it is you two were fighting about. Do something completely different. She doesn't hate you when she is in this mood. That is something I've learned about her while she was growing up. If you push the issue, it'll take longer for her to snap out of it. Giving her space isn't the best because it creates that wall you said you were feeling earlier. Changing the subject works because it gets her to think about something else. Her problem is she dwells on things, and she doesn't realize that she needs to deal with it, not just brood."

We caught up to Katya, put our carry on bags in the overhead compartments, and I knew now that I probably shouldn't talk about this subject anymore with Jack. We took our seats, and Katya looked over at me and grinned. I remained silent, and just looked at her with a calmness on my face to let her know I wasn't trying to be a jerk to her. She then started talking about how she was excited to see the Eiffel Tower in person. The flight attendants did their safety presentation and then we took off. A few hours after dinner was served, silence filled the plane as the lights were turned off so passengers could sleep. Jack was one of the ones who was taking advantage or the darkened cabin. Katya had been silent in her seat even though she wasn't sleeping. I whispered in her ear some things we could do instead, not knowing if she would go for it, but surprisingly she did.

"Mmm, Patrick this was such a good idea."

Katya moaned as I kissed her neck lightly, continuing down her shoulder and arm, while squeezing her boob with my other hand. I knew we had to be quick, in case anyone else needed to use the bathroom, so I lifted Katya up and placed her on the counter. She started undoing my pants, pulling them down, while I lifted her skirt up and slid her panties down her legs.

I rubbed the side of Katya's thigh, then pulled her close to me, pushing myself gently into her. She pressed herself into me, letting me go deeper. I tried to be quiet, so I just kept kissing her as a way to prevent both of us from accidentally crying out loud and getting into trouble for using the bathroom inappropriately. I continued thrusting, almost ready to finish, but not wanting to unless Katya was done as well, so I asked her, and she said I could. I pushed into her one last time, gripping her tightly as I felt all of my frustrations dissipate. I breathed into her ear while waiting for my heart rate to slow down and steady itself. I pulled up my pants and got dressed, smiling at Katya.

"Ooh, that was so hot, Patrick. I've never done anything this dangerous before."

I helped Katya off the counter and we went back to our seats. I knew sex wasn't the answer to anything, even if it was sex with my own wife, but I did feel like Katya's mood had lifted a little bit from the thrill.


  1. i don't think i will ever join the the mile high club plane bathrooms are truthfully nasty. Katya you can't keep brooding over stuff or it will put your marriage in danger.

    1. LOL, yeah they probably are... o.O as are any public place people choose to "do it" in. XD You're definitely right about that, her running away from her problems is not going to be good for her, she shouldn't take Patrick's patience for granted.

  2. Aww; Armand is so adorable! He saying he loved his parents was precious. :) I bet his week with Max and Soliel will be a fun one; they seem like they'd be awesome grandparents.

    I wish Katya wouldn't withdraw from situations whenever she gets upset, she has a family who clearly loves her and wants her to be happy. She wasn't mentally there for the first year of Armand's life, nothing will change that, however wallowing in regret instead of enjoying the current moments won't help.

    The Mile High club has two new members; scandalous. :) Hopefully Katya will stay in a good mood for their honeymoon and no new problems will come about. I love the Parisian Simmy world; the architecture and activities are amazing, they should have a fun time.

    1. LOL, Armand is so cute. He's pretty excited to spend time with Max and Soleil, they love him a lot.

      Yeah, Katya is taking her life for granted, she's a very shy person and she internalizes things to an unhealthy extent. She feels guilty about how her and Armand's relationship is not as strong as it could be, and she's beating herself up about it. You're right, she's hurting herself more by acting that way.

      LOL, the Mile High Club is fun to write about. XD Hopefully the change of scenery will do Katya some good and she can enjoy herself and her time alone with Patrick. I love Sims France too, I think it's my favorite out of all the places they can travel to. XD

  3. Armand has to be the most adorable toddler. Love, love, love his eyes!
    Katya needs to get a grip and start taking control of her life instead of withdrawing from it. She created the distance between herself and Armand and it's not something that can be fixed over night. Hopefully there honeymoon will have a happier ending then it's beginning!

    1. Hahaha, thank you! :) His eyes are definitely one of his best features. XD
      You are right about that, she's going to lose everything if she keeps not dealing with her problems. She feels guilty about how she treated Armand, and she's going about it the wrong way, by beating herself up instead of making it better by reaching out to the people who love her.
      Yeah, hopefully they enjoy their honeymoon, and the change of scenery helps them feel better.

  4. Lolololololol. Armand has no idea that he's hurting his mum quite a bit, but it's not technically his fault either. Katya and Patrick... They're acting like teenagers. They also remind me about that chapter with Sicily traveling as well. At least they're considerate enough to finish quickly XD

    1. Haha, yeah, Armand's too little to know that kind of stuff. Armand just knows that Daddy was always the one who smiled at him and played with him, so naturally he likes Daddy better. Katya should have made more of an effort to attend to Armand so he was more familiar with her. Technically, whether Armand knows it or not, Katya was hurting him too, by not being there for him.

      Katya is immature about dealing with her problems. She doesn't deal well with conflict, and she internalizes way too much. She feels guilty for not being there for Armand, but she's beating herself up instead of letting Patrick or her dad comfort her. She shuts down and that's not a good way to deal with things.

      Patrick is trying as hard as he can, but there's only so much he can do when the person he's trying to help ignores him. It's like he's talking to a wall when Katya shuts down, and it frustrates him. He's trying to be happy and all he wants is for her to be happy too, but she's not allowing herself to be, which is affecting him. They're still newlyweds, and they have a lot to learn about marriage, and being parents. Even though they've had Armand for a few years now, it's still difficult to be a parent.

      LOL, yeah, they joined the mile high club like Patrick's grandparents, haha. Patrick knew if Katya got caught she'd be in a terrible mood again so he tried his best to give her the thrill without the consequence. XD

  5. Awww thanks for the shoutout! ^_^ *hugs* Glad the poses I'm uploading that I use in my chapters are being put to good use!
    It was really cute of Armand to ask if Patrick was coming back, I thought that was adorable T_T
    LOLL As good of advice that Jack gave Patrick, I'm sure when he meant "do something completely different," he didn't mean "fuck my daughter in the airplane bathroom", but it looked like it actually helped a lot! XD
    They're so cute together. I really hope they can sit back and relax and enjoy their honeymoon together and Katya comes back with a new outlook when it comes to Armand. He's too adorable NOT to constantly cuddle hahaha

    1. Haha, no problem, thank you for sharing the poses you make. <3 *hugs*
      LOL, Armand is silly, and he's pretty blunt. He really was curious since he has never had Patrick be away from him for more than a day before. XD Glad you liked that part.
      IKR? Horny Patrick. Hahaha, I guess what do you expect from newlyweds, ROFL. You're right though, it was not what Jack meant, LOL. Patrick's a bad boy at heart, it's just in his blood, XD. Yes, and it did help Katya, so yayee! LOL.
      LOL, I'm glad you think they're cute together, even though they're not always having the best relationship. Here's hoping that Katya does try harder with Armand when she comes back.

  6. "Daddy are you coming back?" OMG!! My heart melted!! Armand is SO CUTE - I want him :/ he's like a mini Max :D
    I felt really sorry for Patrick when he said his family is draining him dry mentally :( Katya does seem like hard work - although I'm not sure Jack meant for Patrick to have a quicky in the toilets when he said do something different ROFL!! I just want to shake Katya - I know she has problems that she probably needs theropy for - but I feel like she's making Patrick and Armand unhappy :( and the cracks are already showing - Patrick should not be feeling that when going on his honeymoon :(

    1. Awww, haha, thanks! I enjoyed writing the conversation between Armand and Patrick. LOL. Haha, he is kind of a mini Max, with all the pink that showed up in his hair. XD
      Yeah, Patrick is trying so hard and he just feels like nothing's working. :( Haha, of course, that's not what Jack meant at all, but I guess, since Patrick's a horny newlywed who's a bad boy at his core... quickies in the bathroom seemed perfect. XD It did okay for Katya's mood, so for now, it was a solution. LOL.
      She is being pretty difficult without realizing how much of an effect her behavior is having on other people. Yeah, the honeymoon should be a happy time.

  7. Lol. Mhm.. Very good distraction skills. :)

    1. Oh yes, sex always makes for a wonderful distraction. XD

  8. I just want to squeeze Armand! He's just so friggin adorable! And the way he love Patrick. . .So cute!

    I realize that it may not be in Katya's character to do this, but she really needs to put on her big girl panties and start acting like an adult. I get that she has some depression issues but to think that you can act anyway you "feel" like and that it doesn't have consequences is wrong. Just not the way things work. You can't spend a year detached from your child and husband and then expect them there to be no ramifications from it. I think I'm like Patrick right now. I like her but some of the things she's doing right now are driving me crazy. Lol!

    Welcome to the mile high club, Katya. How is it even possible in this day and age to get away with that is beyond me with all the security. I'm glad Patrick was able to distract her but he can't using sex as a way to do it. They need to learn to talk to each other (Katya more than him), but she's really never been the best at doing that.

    I really hope they have a fun time in Paris! It's Paris, damnit! They better have fun. Lol!

    1. Isn't he? I love Armand, LOL, and he and Patrick's interactions are just to die for. :)

      Totally understandable, ROFL. Patrick's frustrated beyond belief, he's supposed to be having a fun time, going on his honeymoon, but his wife is just... like you mentioned, acting like a child. Katya is a difficult girl to deal with and her habit of stuffing her feelings inside of herself is something she is going to have to learn to quit doing, especially now that she's married. I know, right? Her thinking Armand was just going to be magically fine and love her like he loves Patrick was ridiculous. LOL.

      ROFL, that's funny. I guess you can't secure the bathrooms since there's always that "nature calls" thing and that would be a terrible mess to have to deal with if someone didn't make it to the bathroom. o.O *holds nose* Yeah, it's true, and Patrick knows it too, that you can't cover up your problems with sex, even if it is hot. LOL. In this situation though, there wasn't much else he could do, other than sleep or talk to her, but he was kind of afraid it would turn into a yelling match, which would just be inappropriate on an airplane.

      Hahaha, I know, right? How can you not have fun in Paris? XD

  9. I love Katya but I want to smack her also. She's doing this to herself, and its very unhealthy for her mental well being. I loved the sex scene in the air plane bathroom, although I'd never be able to do that myself. I guess Patrick and Katya are new members of the mile high club. ROFL!

    1. LOL, Katya has that effect on people, the love + the smacking. You're right she does many of these things to herself. *rolls eyes*
      Aww thanks! Haha, yeah the mile high club is quite a popular thing, but definitely not for everyone, LOL.

  10. Let's just say if that's how my honeymoon began, I'd have serious doubts about my marriage. It's supposed to be the time of your life! At least Patrick tried to spice things up by joining the mile high club with his bride. Good thing neither one of them is claustrophobic. I honestly don't know how people do it. It's so cramped in there, not to mention the yuck factor. LOL. Hopefully, Patrick and Katya will get along better once they land in France. Armand, as always, is just adorable!

    1. Well... you know... for better or for worse, right? LOL. I guess some couples don't constantly have that "head in the clouds" feeling, even on their honeymoon, at least these two didn't. Haha yeah, having claustrophobia probably disqualifies you from the mile high club instantly, LOL. Also, being germophobic. XD Mm-hmm, hopefully the rest of their honeymoon goes better, being in a different place can make your mood lift significantly. Heehee, I really liked how Armand turned out.

  11. Armand is just the cutest thing ever. To be honest Katya can't be mad about that, Armand doesn't even realize what he's 'doing'. And besides, she was the one who decided to shut her self off from her family after Armand was born. I like Katya but I just don't understand her logic with that whole situation...Mother's are supposed to love their children, honestly I don't know how she could NOT want to have held her child those first months he was born. I mean yeah a screaming baby can get pretty annoying but it's a motherly instinct to want to comfort your child and hug it etc... I'm not saying she doesn't love Armand, she just doesn't show it that much, that's all. I don't blame Patrick for wanting to end things with her but it's hard to let go of the person you love, I hope he hangs in there even though he's not exactly happy. Dwelling doesn't change anything but action sure does, Katya needs to stop living in the past otherwise time will fly by and Armand will be 18 and they still won't have a relationship. Patrick and Katya are now officially part of the mile high club though, lol ...How frisky. Sex definitely isn't the answer to anything...but it makes everything feel better for the moment. It's the best feeling to do something so risky with the person you love. Hopefully no one saw them enter the bathroom together though lol

    1. LOL Armand is really fun, and he just said what he was feeling, but since he's a little toddler, he doesn't know what consequences are and how things hurt other people. Katya's a loner, and my interpretation of that was to have her shut herself off to those closest to her when she feels threatened or upset about something. Katya's logic is stupid, honestly LOL, there is no logic to her thoughts. She's doing it because she can't get past the hurt, which she brought onto herself, but internalizing it is dumb. Honestly, I have no idea if every mother has an instinct like that, I'm sure most of them do, but I doubt that there would be so many babies abandoned or neglected if every mother wanted to hug their child. She definitely doesn't have a motherly instinct at this point.

      Patrick was hoping that after Katya and he got married, that she'd feel more comfortable talking to him about her feelings, but sadly, this is not the case. He doesn't want to give up on her though because that's not what you do to the person you love when you hit the first bump in the road. You have to get to the end of your rope before splitting up even becomes an option. It's true, Katya needs to quit taking everything for granted and throwing herself pity parties or she's going to miss everything.

      LOL, most of the people were sleeping in the cabin when they decided to go into the bathroom. Yeah, Patrick knows it isn't the answer, but it can help, as long as he's not doing it all the time to avoid problems. To be fair, he tried to talk to her first before the sex, but she shut him out. *sigh* LOL.

  12. Awe Armand is such a cutie pie! I feel so bad for Patrick, though. :( It must be really tough on him, his wife withdrawing from him and Armand. I'm glad that Kaya has been trying to be more of a mother to Armand, but that connection he has with Patrick will take a bit to form as strongly. Patrick was there from day one, so that's a tricky situation. I hope that everything works out, though and Katya doesn't let it push her even further away from her family. Hopefully the honeymoon will work wonders on them all. I mean, the quickie in the plane restroom seemed to cheer her up some. lol
    P.S. I love that you made an "actual" airport and plane interiors. They looked great!!

    1. IKR? Armand is a really good kid. XD Patrick is trying really hard to adjust to Katya's personality, it's even more of a want for him now that they're married, and he feels like he needs to know how to deal with his wife. Katya is being silly and she thinks everything should be perfect overnight, which is half of her problem. She's not acknowledging the little things that are good, instead she's focusing on the bad things, like Armand not saying he loved her. You're right, Patrick is the one Armand formed a stronger bond with because Patrick put himself in Armand's life from day one. Katya needs to learn she brings her problems down on herself and makes them worse when she turns away from her family. I hope so too, a change of scenery in lovely Paris better help her, or she's beyond hope. LOL. I mean... it's France! XD She was probably stressed, and sex is a great stress reliever. XD
      Aww, thanks. :D I liked making the airport. I'm glad you liked it too. :D

  13. I love airport scenes -- but in Sims there is the extra pleasure of actually creating the airport!

    Though this is a rather gloomy scene, especially prior to their honeymoon. Who would be so down leaving to Paris as newly married. Again, I love how you contrast emotions.

    It's pity that Katya never did get close to her son, and it is just natural that he does not respond with love towards her. It is good enough already that Armand does not present any unhealthy behavior due to that -- the great love he receives from his father seems to compensate that, but for how long?

    I'm hoping the best for Katya, in all her family relationships, for her temperament seems to hinder her marriage, too.

    As a creator, I enjoyed seeing how you resolved the insides of the airplane. The toilet scene was hot -- sex always dissipates the tension, though it doesn't really solve the problems of this couple, and might in time only worsen things. They should learn to communicate otherwise. Let's hope for the better.

    1. IKR? I love building sets for my chapters. It was so fun, especially when I found the life size to scale airplane. Okay, maybe not life size, LOL, but it was a vehicle size for the Sims that was big and not just a model airplane. XD

      LOL, yeah, their honeymoon didn't start out very well. Ahh yes, I love to contrast emotions. It's so fun to write that way.

      Uh huh, Armand is innocently not close to Katya, for how can he truly love someone he doesn't yet know? Definitely natural, but not purposeful, like Katya thinks it is. Patrick is trying his hardest to give Armand as much love as he can, and the grandparents also promote that love, they all just want to see Armand form those healthy attachments, even if they can't seem to get through to Katya. We'll see how this part of Armand's life affects him later.

      Definitely, Katya has time to change, this is the start of her marriage, she has a choice to act mature like she did on her wedding day or make the choice to let her temperament destroy her and those around her. Let's hope she picks the former.

      Ooh thank you! Haha, yeah the bathroom sex did help alleviate Katya's mood. Patrick knows it's not the answer because like you said, it doesn't resolve deeper issues, but for now he just wanted to make her feel a little better. If they weren't in a group of people on an airplane, Patrick would prefer to talk to her to get her thoughts and opinions on things. They'll have some time to do that once they get off the airplane. :)

  14. I would say she needs therapy but she's already in it. I feel bad for Patrick having to deal with this. It reminds me a little (on a much smaller scale) of Helena and her issues. The distance she has with Armand is her fault because it sounds like she still distant with him. :(

    1. LOL, yeah, that is problematic. She needs to listen to her damn therapist instead of acting like a child all the time. >:[
      Patrick is doing as much as he can, and yeah, he was worried about having a relationship that was like Uncle Dustin's... these problems were supposed to mimic Helena and Dustin's, not identically, since every couple is different, but yes, a definite similarity.
      Yes, again correct, Katya's bringing her problems with Armand on herself, as witnessed by your first comment of how she is in therapy but she's not applying the things she should be learning.

  15. It seems like Katya is creating her own problems. She gets upset when her son isn't close to her but yet she was the one to place distance between them. She is doing the same thing with Patrick and it is doing some damage to their relationship. Now I'm wondering if she lost track with her father because she needed some space and she distanced herself from him.

    Well at least Patrick was able to distract her enough to join the mile high club.

    1. You are correct, Katya is most definitely bringing her problems down on her own head. It is possible she didn't put as much effort in with her father as she could have, but I will say there were some other things that happened with her father as far as his abrupt departure to France that were not Katya's fault.

      LOL, Patrick might have just been a horny newlywed, but he did manage to get Katya to stop dwelling. You're right too, she is starting to damage her and Patrick's marriage already and it has barely started.


Tell me and Armand what you thought!

No. of Echoes


Rated: R. Echoes of Eternity is a chronological story best read from Chapter One. It will deal with topics of all kinds, including some that are uncomfortable.



Thank you, Stormy, Julie, Andante Zen, sandybeachgirl, lovesstorms, TheJanesLegacy, and Lckygrl1975!
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