Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Maximus Twelve: Young Love

Patrick was nowhere to be found. I asked Soleil if she knew where he was, since she had been home with him all day. She said yes, he was right over there in his part of the upstairs. I asked her if she was sure about that, and she looked over to where she thought he was.

Her eyes widened as she realized he wasn't playing with the toys on the floor like he had been earlier. Suddenly we heard a scratching sound coming from the toy box. The lid opened, and Patrick peeked out from the gap at us, giggling.

"Hi Mommy and Daddy."

"There you are, buddy. Did you climb in there all by yourself?"

"Yeah, Mommy. It wasn't hard. I can get out too. I like to go in the box."


"Did we invite people over today, Max?"

"Yeah, I was going to hang out with Dustin. You're cool with that, right, babe?"

"Of course, as always!"

I gave Soleil a kiss on the cheek and ruffled Patrick's hair, then went to get the door. I was a little surprised to see Helena with Dustin, but only because she made it very obvious to me that she doesn't like me, so I can't imagine why she would want to come to my house.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing Helena over do you, Max?"

"No, of course not."

Dustin and I smile at each other, and he comes in, going over to sit on the couch. I notice Helena has remained standing by the door, looking really uncomfortable. She keeps glancing over at Soleil, who's playing with Patrick, and teaching him how to use the xylophone to make some music.

"Hey, you know, Helena, you can come further into the house."

"Thank you, Maximus. I thought you hated me."

"Funny, I thought you hated me too. It felt like you were always trying to ruin my relationship with Soleil, like you didn't want me to be happy or something."

"Now you have a baby. I want a baby."

Helena looks longingly at Dustin as she says that last sentence. I look over at him, and see that he's turned the PS3 on, lounging and drinking a beer.

"Well, you can go over and say hi to him and Soleil. His name is Patrick."

"You are happy, aren't you, Max?"

"Yes. I am."

Helena turns away from me and walks over to Soleil.

I'm surprised Helena's here, but glad the little encounter I witnessed of her talking to Max didn't end in a large explosive fight, which is what I'm used to seeing from her. Crap, she's heading over here. I haven't talked to her in a long time. I smile at Patrick as I notice Helena take a seat on the rug, at an awkward distance from Patrick and I.

"Hi, Soleil. Hi, Patrick."

Patrick looks at Helena questioningly because he's never seen her before.

"Mommy, who's that lady?"

"That's your Aunt Helena."

"Oh. Hi, Aunt Helena."

Helena's demeanor is different, much different than what I remember. I wonder what happened to her. She looks defeated, almost, which is strange. The judgmental scowl she usually has plastered across her face is missing.

"Helena, are you all right? You look sad."

"I am sad. I didn't have any friends after you moved out, Soleil."

"You could have made friends with Noelle."

"I hate her. Anyway, Dustin talked to me, and we started dating."

"Then why do you look so sad?"

"I saw you and Patrick over here and I got jealous."

I don't know why she's always jealous of me. I feel like she thinks she keeps losing to me in the made up popularity contest of her mind.

"Helena, you don't have to be jealous, these things will come in time."

"You didn't have to wait very long."

"That's because Max and I weren't careful."

"I know, and it's not fair, you just get things dropped in your lap, and I have to wait."

"Well, Helena, the choices we make in life are what determines things that happen. The risks we take in life also change the course of things. Take a few risks, maybe you'll stumble upon something you want. I saw you wear the blue dress the other night that I bought for you."

"Yeah, I did. That's the night I talked to Dustin, and he didn't just try to get in my pants. Now we're dating, and he's assured me it's exclusive. I was even able to get through the relationship talk with him and he was okay with it."

"That's great, Helena. See, not all guys are only interested in getting laid."

"Do you think he'll want to marry me, Soleil?"

"I wouldn't worry about that, Helena, just enjoy the relationship you have with him. Live in the moment."

"Is that how you and Max live?"

"Yes. Patrick was unplanned, but Max took it in stride, better than me, actually. I, at one point, worried that I wouldn't be able to deal with being a parent, but Max reminded me about living one day at a time, assuring me we would get through it. He was right."

"Are you and Max going to get married?"

"No, we have no plans to."

"Why not? Don't you love each other?"

"Yeah, of course."

"So why not get married?"

"Helena. Where are you going with this? I don't want to get in a screaming match with you in front of Patrick. Max and I rarely ever fight, so Patrick has been growing up in a house full of love, I don't see what the problem is."

"I just don't get what you guys have against solidifying your relationship. If you are already committed to each other, why not take that next step?"

"You just said it. Already committed to each other. Our relationship is solid, and that's good enough for us."

"Good enough? So you're settling? Not wanting something more?"

Oh there you are, real Helena. How kind of you to rear your annoying head. I pick Patrick up and put him in his crib as I've noticed that he's yawning. Helena is once again making my blood boil, and I can't say I'm the least bit surprised. Why does she constantly have to push things until people get upset with her? It didn't shock me that she had no friends after our falling out. After Patrick lays down, I grab Helena's wrist and pull her over to the living room.

"I am not settling. Don't you ever speak condescending words about my relationship with Maximus, and imply that I'm settling for less than what I want."

I heard Helena talk about marriage, a few pointed words, and then see Soleil leave the room out of the corner of my eye. I almost feel psychic knowing Helena probably pissed her off again. Dustin and I have finished playing our game and have just been sitting on the couch talking.

"Honey, I'm ready to go now."

"Max and I are still talking. Come join us, Helena. Hey, what's the matter, babe?"

"I just brought up a sensitive topic to Soleil I guess, and she freaked out on me."

"Helena, remember what we've been working on? You need to stop trying to push your beliefs on people. Everyone's different."

I'm looking at how Dustin interacts with Helena, and I am really proud of him for pointing things out to her. He looks like he's really gotten the hang of it.

"What did you say to her anyway?"

"I asked her when you and her were getting married. She said never, and I asked her if she wanted anything more out of your relationship with her. I told her she didn't have to settle, that it was okay to take the next step, and she got mad at me."

Helena believes so strongly in marriage, which is admirable of her, but I feel like she believes in it so much that she feels like it's the only way to love someone. I understand why Soleil got mad at Helena. It must have hurt her to hear that Helena thought our relationship meant less because we weren't married.

"Oh Helena, just because we're not married, doesn't mean our relationship isn't serious. I would never dream of being with anyone else. I love Soleil very much."

"So marry her."

Dustin squeezes Helena's shoulder.

"Helena, honey, shh, don't push it. Just be happy for Max that he's happy."

"What if he was doing drugs and thought he was happy? Should I not push it then?"

"That's different, that's destructive behavior that harms the body and soul. Having a serious relationship, but not being married isn't destructive. He's fine."

Helena drops the subject, and her and Dustin leave. I go downstairs and see that Soleil is still up, sitting on the rug looking cranky. I sit behind her and run my fingers through her hair to relax her. Helena has a way of stressing out Soleil.

"Is the bitch gone?"

"Yeah, they just left."

"Max, I love you. Helena tried to tell me we don't love each other because we're not married."

"Well, that's silly because I love you too."



  1. aww helena have dustin but she should not be wanting a baby. don't do it helena! You will fall trap into the curse. plus it's good that dustin can gently stop her old habits from kicking back in.

    1. LOL! Helena has always wanted a "normal" family, a husband, and a kid, so she's going to pursue those things. Dustin is really nice and patient. Hopefully Helena doesn't take Dustin for granted.

  2. Oh and here I was hoping the old Helena had learned her lesson. Lol! Someone needs to give Dustin a medal for patience...

    Patrick is ADORABLE!!!

    1. Pssh, LOL, Helena learn stuff? She's a very stubborn lady, set in her old fashioned awkward ways. I know, Dustin needs a whole box of medals! Haha, he is a really patient guy, luckily for Helena. Hopefully she doesn't take Dustin for granted because she'll probably never find another guy who's willing to help her like Dustin is. Aww, thanks, I love when the toddlers play in the toy box.

  3. Helena Helena Helena...You were so close and then went and ruined it by being judgemental about Max and Soleil getting married. Focus on yourself and let your jealousy go, its no good for you. She is so jealous its insane. And poor Dustin, he's so patient with her. Most guys would have ran for the hills screaming when they heard the sounds of the old ball and chain...

    1. LOL! Yeah, Helena... *growls* She's pretty stupid, and keeps letting jealousy run her life. She's too worried about what's happening around her to even think about herself for whatever reason. It's a strange problem to have. Dustin feels sorry for Helena and thinks he can help her see the error of her ways. LOL, I would run for the hills when I heard the sound of a ball and chain! Thanks for reading and commenting! =D

  4. *calls Helena upstairs*
    *pushes her down them*
    I give mad, MAD kudos to Dustin for being able to stand her for more than a minute. I just.. I just want her to go awwwaaayyyy T_T

    Max and Soleil don't need to get married to prove their love, Helena is so gung-ho on being in charge of everyone that comes into contact with her. I bet if she saw a couple just walking down the street without wedding rings, she'd flip her shit. If I was Soleil, I probably would've hit Helena a long, long time ago.

    *calms down*
    *cuddles Patrick*

    1. ROFL! Yesss, Helena deserves a kick in the ass, a punch in the face, a push down the stairs. She's so worried about other people that she's going to lose herself, and she might have already done that. She doesn't really know what she wants other than it's what she can't have. I think of her as a donkey with a carrot tied to its nose, well, that and she's an ass, but she keeps chasing the next thing she thinks is best rather than looking at what she has. She's never going to enjoy anything at this rate. She'll go away eventually. >:D Dustin is the king of being patient, apparently, LOL. Everyone has their limits though, and we'll see if Dustin reaches his.

  5. I know I'm in the minority, but I kind of feel bad for Helena. I really really hope that Dustin feels more for her than just pity. If that's the case, they should just be friends, not dating. When they break up (and they will if he's not interested in a long term, committed relationship), all of her worst fears will be confirmed and she will become completely useless as a human being. I like Dustin but if he doesn't fall in love with Helena soon and marry her, Max and Soleil will have to move out of town to get away from the crazy woman...

    1. Hi!! Thanks for your comment! Ah don't worry, Dustin wanted a real relationship, not just someone to casually date. If he had wanted just a casual dating experience he would not have picked someone as difficult to be around as Helena. LOL! Helena has been dumped before, although I just touched on that in Chapter 5, but that was always right after Helena had "the relationship talk" and the guy was usually like, uhh, no thanks. Dustin got through that because he does love her for whatever reason that no one else can see. LMAO.
      Helena is so co-dependent, which is the cause of most of her problems. She wants to be viewed as a good person, hence the high moral thing, but she's stuck in this stupid vicious cycle of when she pushes her beliefs on others she makes them not view her as a good person. Helena's challenge now that Dustin is hers is to not push him away as she has the tendency of doing to everyone she meets. LOL.

  6. I think Dustin is doing a good job with Helena - he seems to understand how she ticks. I think she has a lot of issues that HOPEFULLY he can help her work through. Why is she so Jealous all the time? and she is so ready to admit it too.

    You know - all the way through this chapter - I kept looking at Helena's clothes and thinking - shes pregnant. Is it just my silly head??

    1. Dustin has a lot of patience that Helena hopefully will not take for granted. Helena always wants things she doesn't have, which comes out as jealousy. Instead of focusing on herself and her life and trying to make what she wants happen, she sits on the sidelines and whines about it, thinking that other people are always happier than her.
      LOL, I think those clothes might be maternity enabled, but it is just in your head because Helena is waiting until marriage to have sex. =)

  7. Well, she's trying at least. :) Good for Dustin for being able to get through to her and stay calm all the time. St. Dustin <3

  8. I guess it would all be too sweet if Mt. Helena didn't spew her tainted, twisted thoughts out for all to see..... Gods I would not tolerate someone like that... Dustin really is blind, or likes to rescue lost things, and Helena followed him home.

    1. ROFL. Dustin and Helena's relationship is symbolic of those couples who just get together for, from an outsider's point of view, no apparent reason. It was hard to write about them because I don't see them as being "in love" like Max and Soleil are, but not all relationships are happy and perfect. It's more like Helena just attached herself to Dustin, and he was too nice to tell her to fuck off. LOL.

  9. Personally I think if they truly do love each other what is wrong with getting married? I know, I know I am sounding like Helena lol. I just am a firm believer in marriage lol.

    1. Haha, you do sound like Helena, LOL. Marriage to Max and Soleil is just a piece of paper. I believe in love, if two people love each other, than they can be happy no matter what. They don't need a piece of paper to prove anything. There's nothing really wrong with marriage in their minds, it's just an extra thing that they don't feel is necessary.

  10. Sorry I've been MIA from your stories lately. :( I'm back now! Woot!

    Helena could have been a lot worse (like she used to be). However, Dustin is very good for her! Go Dustin! Someone to kind of help her not be so....Helena. LOL! If I were her, though, I'd probably get annoyed @ him for telling me what not to do. She must really like him. :D

    I can see how as long as they are happy and committed, they don't need marriage. They should at least think about the tax benefits, though. LOL! I'm a firm believer of marriage, too, but I feel like they will eventually get married. They are awesome together and I love them (and Patrick, too)! :D Anyway, in this day and age, commitment seems to get broken whether you're married or not, which is sad. :(

    1. Dang it! Every time I read your stories, I then wander off to find more poses. Grr....I don't need more, but you always find the coolest ones! :D

    2. Hey lovesstorms! Welcome back! :)

      You are right, Helena could have been way worse. She kind of showed a little bit of that here, yet again, *rolls eyes* LOL. Yes, Dustin is good for her, she somewhat listens to what he has to say. She's got such low self esteem, that she's clinging to him, both physically, like when they arrived, and she pretty much had her arms completely around him, and emotionally because she thinks he's her last chance. He wouldn't have to tell what to do all the time if she would stop trying to run everyone else's life. LOL.

      Yes! Haha, that's the simple point I was trying to make for this chapter. Well... I'll just tell you now, they never get married, but they do stay together despite that. They chose love over marriage, which like you said, having the marriage certificate doesn't really equal commitment. Love and marriage go together, but they are definitely not the same thing. :)

      LOL, I'm happy you like the way I use poses in my story. I always try my best to make the pictures look good, so thanks, haha, I'm glad I'm succeeding in that department. :)

  11. Am I the only one of your readers that read this chapter and got annoyed at Soleil? She is way too defensive and sensitive, which suggests to me that she is not entirely happy. Maybe she does actually want to get married? In no way did I sense that Helena was being nasty, bitchy and pushy. To me, she is genuinely curious and is trying her hardest to understand and accept Max and Soleils relationship, despite it being so completely different to how she wishes to live her own life. Soleil needs to get off her high horse and give credit where credit is due. She kind of irritated me in this chapter as I don't think Helena is a bitch! To be fair to Max, he seemed to be trying to give Helena the benefit of the doubt. I think he's realised that she is trying to change for the better. I think Dustin is good for her and has a lot to answer for :)

    I know I always seem to have sympathy for the characters that you've written as the 'bad guys' (Helena and Dee), but it's a testament to your writing that you can give these 'difficult' characters a personality. They aren't simply one-dimensional mean characters.

    1. LOL, yes, I think you are the only one, but that's completely fine! Thanks for being brave and speaking up about it! XD

      Soleil is happy, just getting that out of the way. She loves Max, and the only part of being pregnant that she disliked was the pregnant part. She loves Patrick just as much now that he's arrived. Now. For her behavior, being defensive and sensitive, I can see how if you just looked at this chapter on its own, forgetting the entire past Soleil and Helena have had, yes it probably was an over the top reaction. However, since that's not the case, since Soleil and Helena have a really terrible relationship, where they've tried to tolerate each other to no avail, it's all the pent up frustration Soleil has towards Helena that came out. While Soleil was pregnant, and she and Helena hadn't seen each other, Soleil had thought maybe, just maybe Helena would have stopped trying to tell her that her and Max's relationship was wrong. When Helena proved her wrong, and pretty much said "Yeah I think you guys are not right because you're not married," it blew Soleil's fuse. She's just simply sick and tired of Helena telling her she's wrong, it makes her feel like Helena thinks she's a bad person because of her beliefs. It hurt her deeply, so she reacted.

      When I wrote the chapter, and I was writing Helena's dialogue, that wasn't my intention. I wasn't in any way thinking that Helena was trying to understand anything. I wrote it as Helena wants what Soleil has because she is jealous of Soleil, as she said in a previous chapter. All the time. So, Soleil gets a boyfriend, Helena wants a boyfriend, Soleil gets a baby, Helena wants a baby. That's where the "popularity contest" comment came from. Of course Helena's going about it the wrong way, no one's stopping her from getting a boyfriend or a baby, but her constant "competition" she keeps making it out to be is what irritates everyone and makes her come across as a bitch to a lot of people.

      Max does love Helena, he just wants her to be happy, so when he saw her with Dustin, he was happy she found someone. Unlike Helena, Max doesn't judge Helena's relationship with Dustin, he's just supporting her. Dustin has a lot of patience and he really does like Helena. When you really like someone, you take their flaws as well as their good parts. :)

      LOL, thank you. :) Helena appreciates your sympathy. Haha. Personalities are actually one of my favorite things to build and develop, I'm really happy that you are enjoying the bad guys. I've always thought that was ridiculous, "good" and "bad." No one is inherently either one. We all do bad things just as we all do good things. It's just the level of goodness and badness I suppose that creates that label.

  12. Dustin seems to handle Helena pretty well, and she's a handful, to say the least. The constant jealousy of Soleil and Max is going to drive her crazy. Helena not only wants what they have (love, a baby, etc.), she wants them to want what she wants (marriage and her whole belief system). It's a vicious cycle that ends up with hurt feelings all the way around.

    1. Haha, saying that Helena is a handful is an understatement. XD Helena's living to get the next best thing is killing her, and she doesn't see that she's harming herself, constantly. She's the epitome of "don't know what you've got till it's gone." Yes, she's very adamant about pushing her beliefs on others because she thinks she's right all the time about everything. It's very irritating, and even more annoying because she doesn't realize how condescending she sounds. Sometimes the things she doesn't say imply that she looks down on Max and Soleil as much as she claims she's jealous about them.

  13. Oh gosh Helena you just need a filter....really badly lol she's very brave with some of the questions she asks and on top of that she will keep asking. But then again I do feel bad for Helena because the only person that she really has is Dustin ...im so glad their together now...I wonder if she had sex with him since she's very religious ...I guess I will have to.find out later lol but Soleil and Max should get married....not soon but eventually or at least until Patrick gets old enough to realize things ....It would be for the best....My parents were like that and as a kid that can be kind of confusing when your parents live together but they aren't married but they still love eachother and explaining it to your friends and stuff ...yeah lol but Helena needs to stop being jealous and worry about her own life....She says she wants a baby now but I dont think she would be happy if she got pregnant.

    1. LOL, yeah, Helena really does need a filter. She's nosy and she butts in, and tries to boss people around. Helena did not have sex with Dustin, she's saving herself for marriage, it's the one thing she will not compromise on.

      Haha, Soleil and Max don't need a piece of paper to tell them they love each other. They just love each other, and they are happy. You do have a point that most people don't understand, but is it really the best for the couple? If the couple is happy, they shouldn't have to prove themselves to society just because society doesn't understand them. Max and Soleil are not people pleasers, LOL. Also, because something is difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Most of Max and Soleil's friends, like Dustin, Luther, and Noelle understand them, and they don't care because it's Max and Soleil's life, so they should be able to do as they please. They want to teach Patrick that marriage is not the only way to love someone. If you love someone, then that should be all that matters.

      You're right about Helena, she needs to focus on her own life, but she has way too many jealousy issues. Haha, yeah, if she were pregnant, she would find something else to complain about, that's how she works. LOL.

  14. Neat start, with Patrick inside the trunk. It's good to hear their young family is doing so well.

    Again, Helena brings in the problems. Her interactions with others are always a bit clumsy, and her opinions given so bluntly. It's true she cannot see other people's ways of leading their lives -- she can only see her own. She hasn't found out yet that other people do have good ideas, too :)

    Dustin -- he could be nicknamed Dustin' or even Dusting, in the sense that he is removing lots of Helena's mental dust -- or is it actually rust? His ways with her are really amazing.

    I cannot see Soleil so much as the victim of Helena's opinions as she pretends to be. She loses her temper easily, and she is as immature as her preferred 'bitch' and former friend. Good for her that Max is so wise -- when we'd think motherhood would do her good, and that her hormones would be back to normal... well, I guess normal to her is out of balance!

    1. Aww thank you! I love when the toddler sims crawl in the toy trunk, and I thought it was too adorable not to take a picture of it. LOL. Yup, Max and Soleil love their little Patrick, and each other. ♥

      Helena is very socially awkward, and she always thinks she is right, even though she always seems to be rather unhappy for "being right" all the time. XD She's a very pushy person, and it doesn't leave room for any open mindedness on her part. Dustin at least has a way of patience with her that complements her stubbornness.

      Soleil wasn't saying she was a victim of Helena. It's quite the opposite actually, Soleil does have a temper, which is shorter when it comes to Helena. Soleil is laidback, whereas Helena is pushy and demanding. When a pushy person tries to shove their ideas down a laidback person's throat, the laidback person gets angry. This is what has happened nearly every single time Helena has talked to Soleil. Her hormones are normal, it's just that Soleil has reached the end of her rope with Helena, and refuses to put up with Helena's bullshit. Every time Helena talks to Soleil, she has an agenda, something that eventually leads to her asking why Soleil isn't married to Max, and then telling her she's wrong. It grates on the nerves, patience wears thin, and tempers flare.

      The "popularity contest" comment I put in Soleil's thoughts, is how she sees Helena's point of view. Because Helena always compares herself to Soleil, Soleil feels like Helena constantly wants to be like her, and gets the feeling Helena is possibly insanely jealous of her. Soleil just wants Helena to accept herself, as well as how her and Max are living. When Helena insulted Max and Soleil's relationship, that was what made her really mad. Soleil felt like Helena was telling her that her feelings for Max didn't matter because they weren't married. Again, Helena didn't understand the thing Soleil had told her so long ago in the car, her feelings for Max are real, and Helena doesn't believe that. When someone tells you in so many words that your feelings don't matter, or that what you're passionate about doesn't matter, it truly hurts, so that's why she lost her temper so bad today.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving me these comments! :)

  15. Oh Helena. I had such high hopes at the start of this chapter. But Dustin. Gawww, that guy is awesome. I love how he is trying to help Helena improve herself. Or, well, at least be better adapted to interacting with other people. It's almost like he's teaching a child. I hope she learns to control her need to push her beliefs on to others. Just because Max and Soleil hold different beliefs than her about marriage does not mean that their beliefs are wrong. Marriage does not mean you love each other more. I think she is just still stuck on that insecurity. Marriage is security for Helena, maybe?
    haha I just find it hilarious how every time Helena and Soleil meet up, at the end Soleil is so relieved when Helena leaves. hahaahhh too funny. I'm surprised they were even friends for as long as they were. Or at all.

    1. LOL, aww. Helena has a way of dashing positive hopes and dreams. Dustin cares for her, and he sees the person underneath her judgmental exterior, and he wants better for her, so he's trying to get her to see herself how he sees her. T_T She is really socially awkward, and she loves to push her beliefs on people because she thinks she's right, and the only way to do something is how she does it. Yes, Helena is definitely insecure about many, many things. Her religious beliefs tell her that marriage is the only way to be complete, so she loves the idea of marriage. I think perhaps in a small way, Helena does equate marriage to security because it's the right thing to do in her mind. That is so true, that marriage doesn't mean more love, some marriages are terrible and the couple doesn't love each other very much.
      LOL! Yeah, Soleil was having a fine conversation with Helena, up until Helena wanted to tell her how to live her life, what to do, how to feel, basically Helena was being a Nazi regarding Soleil's feelings, and she felt suffocated while Helena was there. When Helena left, Soleil felt like she could breathe again. Haha, they were friends by convenience and proximity. They got put together in a dorm, so they just hung out together because the other one was there, not because they really liked each other that much. XD

  16. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS!!!! Helena just can't stop!! OMG seriously she has this competition in her head and just can't let shit go. I honestly hate people like her. Her feelings and beliefs are the only ones that matter and if you don't fall in line then you're wrong!!! UGH bitch really???

    I'm putting Dustin up for Sainthood for simply putting up with her and her judgy ways and trying to help her change.

    1. LMAO, yeah, she can't let it go. She just like, HAS to cause drama wherever she goes, instead of just being happy for her friends. She does have a competition in her head, it's quite ridiculous. I hate people like her too, it drove me crazy to write for a character like her, LOL, but I think it was effective. Your emotions in the comments are proof of that. :)

      LOL, I think you're the second person who called Dustin a saint for staying with Helena. He is definitely very kind to do that for her. He's really optimistic too, maybe more than he should be, LOL, but yeah, he's a nice guy.

  17. Is Helena for real? Can't she see that they are happy and can't she just be happy for them. This is why she is alone all the time because she has this set of beliefs that she thinks is right for her (obviously they can't be if she isn't happy) and leave everyone else alone.

    Dustin seems to be the only person who can get through to Helena, damn that man must have the patience of a saint.

    1. Yeah... she's for real. *sigh* She totally ruined Soleil's night unfortunately. Helena suffers a lot from the grass is greener on the other side syndrome, as well as thinking that life has to be lived by a rigid set of rules. Neither of these things is true, of course, which is why she's always so messed up.

      Dustin is a good man, he's optimistic, and he knows that everyone has their problems. He might be a little naive when it comes to Helena, but he's willing to try. Yes... he does have a lot of patience as well. He does have a limit though... so we'll find out if Helena ever makes him reach it as the generation goes on. LOL.


Tell me and Armand what you thought!

No. of Echoes


Rated: R. Echoes of Eternity is a chronological story best read from Chapter One. It will deal with topics of all kinds, including some that are uncomfortable.



Thank you, Stormy, Julie, Andante Zen, sandybeachgirl, lovesstorms, TheJanesLegacy, and Lckygrl1975!
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