Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Patrick Eleven: Uncertain Times

Three months had passed, I was on stage as usual, and Patrick had just performed his buried alive trick. It had been a little too long since he'd gone down though, so I was getting a little concerned. Emmanuel was behind the scenes, making sure things worked okay. All of a sudden, I heard him calling out Patrick's name in a panic. Even though it was faint, the theater director heard it too, so he closed the curtain, and did damage control with another performer, allowing me to go below stage to see what was the matter.

I opened the door to the backstage area, and was shocked to see Emmanuel crouching over Patrick, who was laying on the floor. I rushed over to them, and crouched down next to Patrick.

"I called 911, gave him CPR, so he's got a pulse, and everything, but he's not conscious."

"What the fuck happened?"

"The trapdoor opened and instead of the rail working properly, it broke. Patrick and the box fell off of it. I heard some bone breaking sounds, so I don't want to move him."

The EMTs arrived, and put an oxygen mask on him. Emmanuel and I piled into the ambulance with him, and I sent Katya a text message to let her know what was going on. When we arrived at the hospital, Patrick was rushed into the ER, and the doctors told us he had several broken ribs and a concussion, so they needed to get him into surgery to fix it and check for any other injuries. Emmanuel and I went into the waiting room and sat down. A few minutes later, I saw Katya walk in with her head in her hands. I walked up to her and helped her over to the couches. Max and Soleil came in shortly afterwards, I'm guessing because Emmanuel notified them.

"Is he okay?"

"He's in surgery now, he just went in about ten minutes ago."

Emmanuel told Patrick's parents what had happened to him, and they thanked him for handling the situation the way he did. Katya continued to cry while grabbing onto my arm. After a while, a doctor came over to us, and I pointed at Max and Soleil since they were Patrick's family. They stood up, eager to hear what the doctor had to say.

"Patrick made it out of surgery, and his vitals are good, but he hasn't regained consciousness."

"What does that mean? Is he going to wake up at all? In a few days?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you when he's going to wake up. He hit his head pretty hard when he fell, although his brain activity is good, so there is hope, but for now he's in a coma. There's no swelling or anything around his brain, but sometimes people stay unresponsive for a little while after severe trauma. Based on what we've seen so far with Patrick, we are hopeful he will wake up, but we can't be sure about a timeline."

"Oh my god, my Patrick!"

"Shh, baby, it'll be okay. He'll be all right."

Soleil fell into Max's chest when she heard the news, and Max remained strong, hugging her tightly and comforting her while rubbing her back. Katya continued to cry even harder than she was before. Max spoke up and asked if we could see him. The doctor agreed and we all went to his room, taking various spots around the bed. Seeing him laying there was so surreal, and I felt like this couldn't be happening. Even though he and I were just friends, I felt a great sadness in my heart seeing him like that. I was a tad jealous seeing his family come together like this for him. My family had strong emotions, but we seemed to be more about anger towards each other rather than love, like Patrick's family had.

"Is there anything we can do while he's unconscious?"

"They say coma patients can hear things, they just can't respond. Read him a book, or just sit and talk to him, hold his hand, that can help."

Katya was sobbing uncontrollably, and she seemed sadder than Patrick's parents. I was getting annoyed that she seemed to be making a scene, as if she was trying to show that she cared for Patrick more than the rest of us did. All of a sudden, Katya let go of me, and made a beeline for the small bathroom in Patrick's room. I wondered what was wrong with her, thinking maybe she was so sad that she made herself sick.

When she came out, she said she had thrown up and her stomach wasn't feeling well, so the doctor took her to run some tests. Everyone sat in silence for a long time until Katya came back.

"Are you okay, Katya?"

Katya shook her head and started crying again. I hugged her and let her cry on me. After a few minutes, she went over to Patrick and grabbed his hand.

"Patrick, you have to wake up, because you're going to be a father."

That night at the hospital when I found out I was pregnant, I was already five weeks along. I was having mixed feelings about it because I loved Patrick, but we had never said that to each other, and I was scared. I was happy as well because this little baby was a part of Patrick. Ephemera had told me that night that she thought I was trying to show off how sad I was for Patrick, but I realized it was the hormones. I'd been crying a lot more often lately, and it would be triggered by the stupidest things, like dropping something I was holding.

We all had hope that Patrick would wake up soon, and had been visiting him consistently since that night. Sometimes his parents would sleep in his room, sometimes together, and other times they'd take turns so one of them could look after me. I didn't want to be needy, but Max and Soleil insisted that I let them help me because they didn't want me to go through my pregnancy alone. Ephemera still lived with me, and she helped out too, listening to my rants and comforting me when I cried. I felt like Patrick's tragedy had helped our relationship a lot because Ephemera had been really nice to me ever since it happened. I knew she was hurting too, so part of it was because she was also sad for Patrick, but I liked to think that she was letting some of her walls down when it came to me. As much as I hated that Patrick was in this situation, I was glad that it was drawing Ephemera and I closer.

Today Max had driven me to the hospital to visit, and Soleil was already there, having slept overnight in Patrick's room. Two months had passed, and my stomach was starting to bulge out a little bit. By this time, I was three months into carrying the baby, and things were only getting more difficult. None of my clothes fit, so Soleil had taken me to get some new maternity clothes. I felt uncomfortable all the time, and dreaded to think about the time when I got even fatter. I cried a lot any time I went home from seeing Patrick because I just wanted him to be there with me, holding me, to tell me everything was going to be all right. Max and Soleil had been helping me out a lot, which I was grateful for, but it wasn't the same as having Patrick there.

I had brought a book with me to read to Patrick, while Max stayed on the couch, and Soleil went to take a shower. About an hour of me reading to him, I took a break and grabbed his hand. He looked so peaceful and serene laying there, and I wondered what he was thinking about. Dr. King had said his brain activity was normal, so there wasn't any chance of him being brain dead. Was he in complete darkness, or was he in a happy place while he healed? Soon Soleil came over, so I gave her my chair, and she held Patrick's hand.

"Patrick, honey, it's Mom. Your dad and I are here for you. We miss you, baby. Katya's here too, she's been reading to you a lot. We've been helping her out while you're away, keeping her safe till you come back."

Soleil squeezed Patrick's hand, and silent tears ran down her cheeks as she talked to him. Max instinctively went over to her, almost as if he could sense that she had started crying. My heart hurt a lot, hoping that I could have that kind of love with Patrick someday. Suddenly, Soleil gasped, and at first I thought it was because Max had surprised her, but she was looking at Patrick intently. She squeezed his hand, and gasped again.

"Max, I think he squeezed my hand! Go get Dr. King!"

Max and Dr. King came running into the room, and Dr. King shined a light into his eyes. Her face lit up with hope as she made Patrick follow her finger with his eyes.

"His eyes are responding normally. Patrick? Patrick, can you hear me? Lift your left index finger if you can."

I watched Patrick's index finger on his left hand raise up slowly, for a second, and then go back down.

"This is good news. It might take a little bit before he fully opens his eyes and begins to talk again, but he's on his way back."


  1. Phew. Lucky for Pat that Emmanuel was level headed about the situation straight away! Given that this is a story, though, I wonder if the trick had been manipulated...

    Btw, that bed?! Why did you choose this one?

    1. Yes, Emmanuel is really smart and he knew what to do in order for Patrick to have the best chance of survival. Hehe, well in the magic industry, magicians can never be trusted, so... of course that's entirely possible. >:D

      The simple answer to your question is... Because I wanted to. LOL.
      The more detailed answer is when I built the hospital, I was influenced by some smaller, more homey feeling clinics, and I didn't feel like using the standard hospital bed with the railings. I chose instead to put the IV stand and the vital sign monitor in the room, and give Patrick a more comfortable bed while he was in the coma.

    2. Ah! Thanks. I really wondered ^^

    3. You are welcome! Haha, I'm really not conventional... like ever. LOL.

  2. I'm glad Patrick is alright and on his way back to recovery; good thing Emmanuel was there watching things... I wonder how he will respond to finding out that Katya's expecting (I'm sure he'll be happy; he seems too sweet towards her to be angry... Maybe surprised a little).

    Great chapter! :)

    1. Heehee, yeah, Patrick's problem was temporary, no way I was going to let him be out for longer than a chapter, LOL, I love him too much. Emmanuel acted on instinct, he just wanted to save Patrick's life, and he did great, a true best friend. :D
      LOL yeah, when he wakes up, he'll find things have changed quite a bit, hopefully he'll think it's good news. o.O

  3. Awww :( I got sad a lot during this chapter. I'm glad Emmanuel responded quick enough to were he could get Patrick help quickly. It was nice seeing Max and Soleil again, though I wish it were under better circumstances T_T
    Eeeeeeeee Katya's pregnant! Yayyy! *clears throat* Poor Patrick though, lying in a coma during a third of her pregnancy and totally unaware that he's going to be a father. I can't wait until he finds out, I feel like he'd be ecstatic for some reason hahaha Yayy he's showing signs of life and getting better! This makes me very happy.
    *prays for a speedy recovery* Get better, handsome, you're going to be a daddy! *dances around his hospital bed throwing confetti*

    1. Yeah, this one was a little sorrowful. Emmanuel was trying to make the best out of a bad situation.. He wanted to make sure Patrick had the best chance for survival that he could. Emmanuel learned all those emergency techniques because he knew it would help him in his job. Trapdoors can be dangerous sometimes, and as a stage engineer, it's Emmanuel's job to see that things run smoothly. Unfortunately this time, things didn't go so well. :(
      LOL, yes! It's happy and sad at the same time. Bad timing, to the full extent. o.O Hehe, when he wakes up he's definitely going to be smacked with some happy news. XD At least we can hope he thinks it's happy news... :D Yeah, he's on his way back! Eeee, LOL, I had thought of leaving this one at a cliffhanger, but I thought against it because I love Patrick too much.

  4. i'm glad patrick is waking up and hopefully he gets to see his baby

    1. Uh huh, he's better, luckily his injuries weren't so severe that he wasn't able to wake up. Yes, he'll get to see his baby. :)

  5. I knew she was pregnant after throwing up. I can't wait for Patrick to wake up. So happy. I kinda want a girl since it has been two guys already.

    1. Yeah, it's unfortunate that being pregnant makes women throw up. Haha, it won't take too long for Patrick to wake up, I missed him this chapter, LOL. :D
      Well, you won't be getting a girl. Echoes of Eternity is a patriarchy, which is why there have been two guys, I like guys better, so I chose to make all the heirs be guys.

  6. Yay for the baby - I bet he or she will be so cute!! Oh Coma's (I cringe now - lol) I'm glad he is on his way back ... I wander if there is going to be any lasting damage for Patrick mentally and if it is going to impact on his love for his career? I love Soleil's new hair :D I think I'm seriously in love with Max!!

    1. Haha, yeah, I thought it was an okay time for generation 3 to show his face. LOL, it's going to be a boy because Echoes is a patriarchy, and I wasn't planning on Patrick and Katya having more kids, so it has to be a boy. XD
      Yeah! He's waking up. No he's not going to have any mental damage, his type of coma was his brain letting his body heal by making him sleep. LOL. His career is his dream, so he's still going to want to do it... he hasn't made it to Las Vegas or New York yet.
      Haha, thanks, Soleil turned adult (about 40) in my eyes, LOL, and she got a midlife crisis, then she wanted a makeover, XD. Hehe, Soleil got lucky, having Max as her man. He's a good boy. :)

    2. ohhh this is my type of legacy :D If I could get away with just male heirs all the time I would :D Most of my legacys are very male dominated - Ive been trying to break away from that with my rainbowacy (although I'm not doing too good a job with my Mango obssession who was the 1st gen spouse but has had more story than anyone else lol) so with the rainbowacy Im alternating boy girl boy girl - i will struggle with the female heirs :/

    3. I played a legacy before back when I first got the game, but I wasn't writing stories yet, and my Sims kept having girls. It made me pretty angry because I was getting sick of the girls, LOL, so I stopped playing that legacy when generation five was born. I even made the Sim have two babies because I thought since the first one was a girl, maybe I'd get a boy finally, and when the game gave me another girl, I got so angry I just deleted that legacy save. XD So... now that I'm writing stories, I decided for sure, that I would do male heirs. I just like dressing up the little Sim boys so much more than the girls, and of course, when they grow up, they're super hot, I love staring at them and taking their pictures, LOL. My other stories have a higher ratio of males to females as well, haha, it's just kind of what I do naturally. XD

  7. I was about to say 'Poor Katya' but really I felt horrible for everyone in this chapter! I can't imagine what Katya was going through having to face the first trimester without Patrick. And then there's all the hormones making this even more emotional. . .*hugs Katya*

    It was wonderful to see Ephemera there for her sister, even though she herself was hurting from what happened.

    I just love Max and Soleil!!! It's always so great to see them! I hope Katya and Patrick have a love like them too!!

    Very excited to see what Patrick's response is going to be when he finds out that he's going to be a daddy!!!

    1. Oh yeah, everyone's close to Patrick, so it affected them all pretty equally, not just Katya. Luckily, Katya had Max and Soleil to help her with her pregnancy, she would have been pretty miserable if no one was there to help her and Patrick was unable to.
      LOL, yeah, when it comes down to it, Ephemera's there for Katya, even though a lot of times, she's terrible at showing love for her. XD
      Hehe, Max and Soleil were always meant to be together, and they have true love. :)
      Ahh yes... what Patrick's thoughts are to this little surprise. XD

  8. OMG Patrick is going to be a Dad yay but not good he's in hospital. He better get well soon as I almost cried.

    1. Yup, he's going to be a father! Hahaha, don't worry, I missed Patrick a lot in this chapter, so he wakes up next chapter. :) Awwww... T_T.
      Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

  9. oh thank god....

    I hope he doesn't change too much after this. :( My grandfather was in a coma and he's not really the same person any more....

    I have to admit I was a little worried that since Katya is pregnant you might kill him off. That would make me super angry :( (and that's what is important after all. lol)


    1. Awww, :( sorry about your grandfather. T_T
      Well, I didn't plan on anything other than the physical part of his muscles being asleep for three months, and him having to adjust to that when he wakes up. He has no brain damage and his coma was his body's way of healing his injuries while forcing him to be asleep so he could heal faster.

      Ok, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, MandySaurus, I love my male Sims way more than my female ones, so there is no way in hell I would ever kill off a male Sim, and leave myself only the female ones to play with, ROFL. Besides, Echoes is a patriarchy, and this generation is still all about Patrick. I'm not going to guarantee no one will ever die or whatever, since I like writing darker story lines, but I will guarantee I'll never do the "oh she's pregnant now, don't need the male Sim anymore" because that pisses me off every time I see it done.

      Ugh, I'm thinking that's one of the reasons I couldn't keep doing that baby challenge the way I was going with it, because with the story line of the curse, that had to happen sometimes... -___- I kind of hate myself for doing that. LOL. With the Zenteri reboot, I'm going to avoid that shit. XD

    2. Lmao.

      To be honest I thought it was pretty unlikely, but I had to hurry and read it really fast to be sure he was ok. :)

      Sorry that you had to do that with the baby challenge. I can totally sympathize though - I've even written into my story that someone's supposed to die soon and I can't bring myself to do it :(. Otherwise, people only die when I loose access to them through game issues. Lol

    3. LOL, well, I'm happy my writing made you paranoid enough to think it was possible. XD

      Thanks for your sympathies. I've been pretty successful so far with the Zenteri Reboot, I came up with a story line where the men don't have to die, they just go in and out of her life naturally, usually by just leaving somehow. I won't give too much away though, LOL since it's finally open and there are chapters up.

      Oh haha, that's a creative way to have them "die" off, the game issues. :( Aww.. sorry about your Sim's imminent death.

  10. Patrick...nooo.....Heartbreaking. If you kill him off...i'll....i'll....well i don't know what, but it wont be nice. Katya's preggo...omg....How heartbreaking for her to see Patrick that way. I hope he wakes up before the baby is born.

    1. Hah! Well... considering my pet peeve in the Sim world is when the man dies for no reason and the story is full of girls for the rest of the story, Patrick won't die. He did raise his finger at the end of the chapter, too! This is only chapter eleven too, there's still plenty of Patrick's generation left to cover, he can't die. LOL. If he wakes up in the next three and a half months he should be there in time to see the baby. :D I said three and a half because labor is random and sometimes babies come early or late LOL.

  11. Since I'm still catching up on my reading, I know I don't have to worry about Patrick waking up. :) Some of the illusions Patrick attempts are rather dangerous. It's lucky that Emmanuel was there to respond so quickly. It was also nice to see Ephemera being there for Katya in her time of crisis even though she wasn't as sympathetic as she should've been.

    I guess it wasn't just my baby challenge mentality that had me thinking Katya could've gotten pregnant from their first time together. Call it good old-fashioned women's intuition. What a bummer for Patrick to miss out on the first trimester of his girlfriend's pregnancy. I'm anxious to see his reaction when he wakes up and hears the news.

    1. LOL! Well, his finger moving at the end of the chapter was my way of saying, "Hey he's waking up." Patrick is a daredevil magician, so he likes those death-defying illusions, and he gets a thrill out of them. Part of Emmanuel's job is to take care of Patrick when he's below stage, and that includes responding to any illusion that goes wrong. Ephemera's coming around, but for a relationship as broken as theirs was, getting back to a 100% loving relationship after only a few months is just not realistic, so Ephemera was as sympathetic as she could have been given everything that they've been through.

      Haha, yeah I figured, Chapter 11 was probably an okay time to get Katya pregnant. :D
      Eeee, his reaction. :) You'll probably like it. XD

  12. Wow! This chapter made me have so much nostalgia it's crazy...I've only dealt with this twice in my life and I hope I never have to again, it's the worst feeling seeing someone unconscious but it's also kind of cool to say stuff to them and hope that they will remember it. (Sadly that wasn't the case in my situation lol) But Patrick better wake up soon, he's having a baby. I still can't believe they've been together that long and haven't even said those three words yet. Max and Soleil are so supportive, they're already pretty much one big family and the baby hasn't even arrived yet. It's like being in a deep sleep sort of...WAKE UP PATRICK! He's so close but not exactly there yet...

    1. O_O Sorry you had to deal with this kind of situation twice. I hope you never have to again as well.

      LOL, well, they're not the super romantic type of couple, plus both of them were weary when it came to relationships, and neither of them knew how the other would react if "I love you" was said. So far their relationship has been more work than some other relationships, and sometimes those three words can make people run for the hills. They just figured out the sex thing, and so that big change was enough for them at the moment.

      Yeah, Max and Soleil love Patrick a lot, and so it's no surprise they would embrace Katya since she's his girlfriend. Yes exactly, Patrick is in a deep sleep, and he's waking up now.

  13. I was so worried when Patrick was injured. So scary. I'm glad that he seems to be recovering now and that Emmanuel was there when it happened and is quick to action. So tough for Katya right now; finding out she's pregnant while the father is in a coma. At least Max and Soleil were there to help out and lend their support. They're the best.
    So excited for this baby!! :)

    1. Ugh, I know, right? Such a scary injury, one that is serious enough to put Patrick in a coma? T_T Yes, he's back now, his body was just really trying to protect him by keeping him asleep so he could heal faster. Mmhmm, that's why Emmanuel's always supposed to be under the stage for shows, :D and Ephemera's supposed to be up top with Patrick, got to have one of them on both levels in case stuff goes south. They're kind of like Patrick's semi-bodyguards in addition to their assistant and stage engineer jobs LOL.
      Katya's probably got one of the worst timings for being pregnant, of course, it's not her fault, but yeah, LOL. Max and Soleil weren't going to just leave their son's girlfriend hanging high and dry, uh uh, no way. Haha. Ugh the baby is so cute, it's ridiculous. XD

  14. Very dramatic.

    The moment Katya ran to the bathroom, I started thinking she was pregnant. Her pregnancy makes a sweet backdrop against Patrick's coma, at the same time making his absence seem more terrifying. She has to bear the news and changes all on her own -- despite having his parents and her sister's comfort. Is she feeling insecure about growing fat, and whether Patrick will still like her when he comes back?

    Two questions -- was it really an accident? Or do we have someone behind it? Was it Emmanuel's ex-lover (can't remember his name right now)? Or even Vigilante, Ephemera's ex-lover? And did she, or even Emmanuel betray Patrick?

    The other question -- will Patrick have a memory after his coma? Or will he be amnesiac? That would greatly complicate things. I guess I'll find that out soon :)

    1. Yeah, this was a pretty dramatic chapter O_O lots of danger and uncertainty.

      *giggles* Katya's running to the bathroom, was just that, me wanting to announce her pregnancy within this chapter to offset the trauma that filled the rest of the chapter. Katya is a person who is very insecure, and often times her life is run by the fear she has deep inside herself. Her fear is what's causing her to worry about her weight, and yes in some ways she is scared of what Patrick will think about the news, maybe not so much if he will still like her. They've never talked about children, so she's a bit scared he might not take the news of a baby very well.

      Well... without spilling too much, I will tell you that neither Emmanuel nor Ephemera betrayed Patrick. Emmanuel has been Patrick's best friend for many years now, and he would never hurt Patrick, instead he chose to act quickly to save Patrick's life when he had fallen, administering CPR, checking for a pulse, to make sure he was breathing when the EMTs came. Ephemera has become good friends with both Patrick and Emmanuel, and because she had such a mistrusting relationship with Vigilante, she would never feel right sabotaging a magician she works with. Ephemera may be sort of a blunt, harsh person at times, but she does not have bad intentions, especially towards her friends.

      Heehee, yeah you'll find out soon, but the one clue I had in here is that Patrick's brain activity remained normal all throughout his coma, so there is hope that he won't have any long lasting neurological problems. Patrick's coma came about when his body just thought it was better for him to be asleep while it healed, so he could heal faster. It's the same reason doctors put people into medically-induced comas, Patrick's body just did it on its own. We can hope that he's back to his regular self when he fully wakes up. =)

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving me these comments!

    2. It's a pleasure to read and comment and find your replies.

      It feels like a guided reading -- being led by the hand by the writer! It's a privilege, and that's why I read a few chapters every time, post the comments and wait for your replies to read on. No pressure here -- I know I am way behind, and am taking my time to enjoy your stories.


    3. Hey! I'm glad you like my replies.

      Aww, haha, I enjoy conversing with readers on my stories, so it's a privilege for me too. I love getting your comments and hearing what you're excited about, or what made you feel a certain way. =)

  15. Oh damn! I hope that accident wasn't sabotage. We haven't heard anything more out of Jaxon but he could have done this. I just don't by it was an accident. :(

    Oh wow, Katya is pregnant. I didn't expect that but I'm guessing it wasn't planned.

    1. Uh... OH.... Haha. It definitely doesn't seem like it could be an accident... does it. The theater will have a lot to answer for as far as liability goes if it was an accident cause that means their apparatus wasn't safe.

      Uh huh, Katya is pregnant, and yeah, it wasn't planned.

  16. Now how in the world did that trick go wrong? I suspect foul play as Jaxon has been awfully quiet these days in fact too quiet if you ask me. I do hope that he is coming out of it now as he is going to be a father. I did have a feeling after the last chapter that she would be pregnant and I was right.

    1. How indeed did that trick go wrong? ... Hehehe. That will be the overarcing mystery that fills the remainder of the generation.
      Patrick's finger moved, so yea, he'll be fine, he's waking up and he'll heal normally. LOL, yup you guessed right! Congrats! ♥


Tell me and Armand what you thought!

No. of Echoes


Rated: R. Echoes of Eternity is a chronological story best read from Chapter One. It will deal with topics of all kinds, including some that are uncomfortable.



Thank you, Stormy, Julie, Andante Zen, sandybeachgirl, lovesstorms, TheJanesLegacy, and Lckygrl1975!
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